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Rick, I'm kinda concerned......

July 31 2005 at 4:58 PM

Let me preface this post by saying that I'm a HUGE
proponent of Rick's juice, and I have a solid order
history with him to back it up (love all the specials lately Rick...
keep 'em coming!)

Anyway, here's the deal...I can't remember the last time I had a call-back...
been years, and I can NEVER remember one from an encap job.

But in the last week, I have had 2 call backs, both after using the new DS
formulations. Both of the complaints were from a "Hazy, kinda powdery,
appearance on the surface of level loop comm'l olefins. Both were from jobs
that I personally performed, so the technique used is the same as always. Both jobs
were on carpets that were dark colors (one was brown, ane was blue) both were cleaned
per label instructions and using a rotary with solution tank.

This has got me thinking.......most of my encap jobs are on light or white berbers
or comm'l has this been happening but just wasn't visible due to the
light color carpet ?? Am I overapplying the product and it's causing the white podwery haze?
(But according to Rick's story about his housekeeper spilling a gallon of superstrong DS on
his office carpet, this is prolly not the case) Has the new formulations caused this, since I have used releasit since day 1 and never experienced this problem..??

1 of the jobs, I was told, "may" have used some powder deodorizer in the carpet (God, I hate that stuff) and perhaps that was the culprit, but I prevac everything and do not recall any abnormal amount of powder in my dyson....but I'm at a loss and hoping that Rick or someone can provide some insight......any callbacks are NOT acceptable and 2 in 1 week has really freaked me out...especially since I love releasit...but I will stop using it until I find out what is going on here.

Has anyone else been experiencing this lately ? or ever ?

Rick, is it possible the new formula is causing this...if not, please put on the thinking cap, and help me out...I've literally been losing sleep over this one.


This message has been edited by Kyarsnev on Jul 31, 2005 5:53 PM


Stephen Dobson

Re: Rick, I'm kinda concerned......

July 31 2005, 6:11 PM 

I am not Rick but I will comment on what comes to my mind first.

First let me say, I am NOT experiencing any of this on any style or color of carpet.

Now,, the first thing that comes into my mind is "what may be going on in between your cleanings?""

Is there any interim maintenance. Remember, you wont always hear the truth.
If so.. lot of detergent coming to the surface.

Carpet deodorizing powders?

I would investigate this path. I havent seen Releasit, the new or old forumla, leave any white residue.. even when I have left the head down on my cimex and it leaks out heavy.
Sometimes I spill when pouring.. still no problem.

the first thing that comes to mind is "inhouse' errors of some sorts.

also, how long in between cleanings for you or is this a possible first time customer?
Maybe you used too much Releasit,, and its wicking soap debris from a previous cleaning, whether in house or a bad HWE job.
Remember, there is no extraction with Cimex/ releasit or any scrub N run style encapsulation method.

Maybe a thorough HWE flush was needed prior.. (prequalification???)

I may stand corrected.

Good luck diagnosing your problem.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

This message has been edited by sodobson on Jul 31, 2005 6:14 PM


Re: Rick, I'm kinda concerned......

July 31 2005, 8:11 PM 

let me guess

did you post vacuum the carpet



Re: Rick, I'm kinda concerned......

July 31 2005, 8:41 PM 

Yes I did, and it would not simply vacuum out,
it had to be re-cleaned out.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick, I'm kinda concerned......

July 31 2005, 10:59 PM 

Let’s begin by considering what changes were made with the new formulations. The changes that were made to the new formulations were on the detergent side of the recipe. The crystallizing polymer was not changed. We’re still using the same crystallizing polymer that we had been using prior to the new formulations. The crystallized polymer is microscopic when it’s in the carpet so it is not visible with the naked eye. It’s the polymer that remains in the carpet for post-vacuuming. And we have never heard any feedback that our polymer is leaving a visible residue of any kind.

At this point we have sold SEVERAL HUNDRED gallons of the new Releasit and the only feedback that’s been observed is that the carpets are staying cleaner even longer than before. This can be attributed to the fact that the new detergent dries and releases more cleanly. The new detergent chemistry is wonderful. It cleans better, dries down better, and doesn’t cause coughing when sprayed. The improved dry down enables the polymer to be post-vacuumed more easily than before. In other words the residue level has been reduced in the new product line. This would indicate a reduced possibility of a residue condition.

The problem you’re relating is as much of a mystery to me as it is to you. I can say this though, I recall seeing posts on various message boards relating to white residue seen in dark carpet following carpet cleaning (using various methods and chemicals). It seems like it’s kind of like the Bermuda Triangle; it’s hard to establish what’s causing the phenomenon yet the condition exists nevertheless. None of the posts I've read have ever seemed to nail down what was causing the condition. Weird isn't it?

In conclusion I can tell you with reasonable confidence that Releasit will not cause a white residue on a carpet. Even if you poured it onto the carpet undiluted it would be nearly indistinguishable. And if you use it according to normal cleaning directions, Releasit isn’t going to leave behind a visible residue. I will have some further testing done with the products to reconfirm what I’m telling you.

I think it’s a safe conclusion that the white residue you’ve encountered is coming from another source. There are so many millions of square feet of commercial carpet successfully cleaned with Releasit (including the new formulation) that we can reasonably establish that it’s not leaving behind any unfavorable residue in the carpets. I hope this helps to clarify our chemistry.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Rick, I'm kinda concerned......

August 1 2005, 7:59 AM 

I've used both the regular and the DS on alot of very dark green carpet with no problems. Also a store that had swirls of deep blue in laid with no problems as this. I do flip the pads and replace more often when they start leavinmg linty crap behind.



Thanks Rick...

August 1 2005, 8:37 AM 

I feel much better...even though I really couldn't fathom it actually being my favorite juice (releasit) I've been racking my brain all weekend long trying figure this out and I'm just going to chalk it up to the bermuda triangle theory as well. I think that the arm&hammer powder deodorizer crap may have played a part in it as well, but like was said above, customers will rarely fess up to what THEY are doing in between cleanings.

Thanks for the reply and please don't think I was in any way trying to post a negative post about releasit or trying to stir up the pot...I was actually going to call you on Monday, but it was really driving me nuts all weekend...hence the post here. Actually been a while since I was here; things have been going so great that I haven't needed any advice

Thanks again...still have 3 cases from the July special....but expect an order soon

Take care,

Current Topic - Rick, I'm kinda concerned......
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS