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Speaking of Chemstractors-

August 2 2005 at 4:10 PM
Gary R. Heacock  

Those of you using them- are there any of you who connect to a portable or Truck Mount like me?

Especially beneficial for larger jobs, so you don't have to bucket back and forth every 3 gallons.

If this interests you, take a look at-

Shows how I did it.

I would use this combination for both very heavy soiling in a residence or large commercial jobs, say 5000 sq ft or more.

And no, I don't sell them.



a question...

August 2 2005, 4:45 PM 

what is this "under the bed" tool that you spoke of ?

We don't move BR furniture at all due to space restraints and the PITA factor, but I'd be interested in a pic of the "under the bed" it just a short stair tool that you get down and clean as far as you can reach or what ?


Gary R. Heacock

Cleaning under beds, etc

August 3 2005, 11:37 AM 

This message has been edited by GRHeacock on Aug 3, 2005 11:42 AM


Re: Cleaning under beds, etc

August 3 2005, 5:45 PM 

Hi Gary, looks like we use similar tools on the same type of work, my under the bed tool is a 40" stair wand.

Unable to open the two links in the above post.

Cheers Professor Emeritus


Gary MacKay

Re: Cleaning under beds, etc

August 3 2005, 7:04 PM 

Gary, I have done mine up simular as you suggested but have to use the solution tank. For some reason My solution from tM won't set below 150 psi & that psi won't let chemstractor solenoid valve work.

What psi to use?
Are you cleaning with shampoo with this process?


Gary R. Heacock

Re: Cleaning under beds, etc

August 3 2005, 7:49 PM 

This message has been edited by GRHeacock on Aug 3, 2005 7:55 PM


Re: Cleaning under beds, etc

August 4 2005, 9:25 AM 

Current Topic - Speaking of Chemstractors-
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