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I hate to be the bad guy...

August 3 2005 at 8:08 PM

Rick Gelinas  

but every once in a while I have to step in and push the button and block a person from posting that won't observe the guidelines of this forum.

I really appreciate that the majority here do a great job of maintaining a respectful manner when they post here. Please keep the guidelines below in mind (especially the part that I set in bold letters). If you aren't comfortable behaving in this manner there are other message boards where you're welcome to behave as inappropriately as you like. Thanks for your consideration.

This forum has been provided by Excellent Supply Inc for sharing information about encapsulation cleaning technology and the business of commercial carpet cleaning. Excellent Supply Inc and its agents assume no responsibility for the accuracy of information displayed on this message board. You alone are responsible for any repercussions resulting from information posted here. Content posted on this message board may be used or published by Excellent Supply Inc. No unauthorized advertising or selling will be permitted. No profane, vulgar or abusive speech will be tolerated. We reserve the right to delete posts and block individuals that we feel are inappropriate. Your privilege of posting may be blocked if you flame, use profanity, or are disrespectful. You are a guest here so we invite you to please post respectfully. Enjoy!

Rick Gelinas


Re: I hate to be the bad guy...

August 3 2005, 8:45 PM 

Rick the "Govenator"... LOL. Rick you're not a bad guy.. This is your board!!!

Keep on Mexing Guys!!! Rake in those Cimex dollars!!!

This message has been edited by GoEncap on Aug 3, 2005 9:11 PM


Re: I hate to be the bad guy...

August 3 2005, 10:50 PM 

great professional forum, thanx Rick!

thanx --- Derek.

BTW, it's funny how guys'll spout off on purpose, get banned and then act so sensitive when they're banned lol, like it's a HUGE surprise...

keep up the good work Bro

David Hebert

Re: I hate to be the bad guy...

August 4 2005, 1:21 PM 

T is a great guy many do not get is humor and whine

about it you know who you are!!!

While I respect Rick and this BB rules.
Banning T makes people think that this BB is only one sides
and anything said that may be negitive to a product, procedure or chemical will not be accepted and the person deleted.

Now I have to say I did not see what T posted the last time to get himself Banned.

and some do ask for it


Rick Gelinas

Re: I hate to be the bad guy...

August 4 2005, 5:23 PM 


Thanks for sharing your concern about how folks may perceive the situation.

There are other industry boards where anything goes. This board isn't one of those boards. This board is here to talk about encapsulation cleaning. Humor is GREAT! Being respectful when it comes to humor is only reasonable.

Terry posted a few times recently. His posts weren't related to carpet cleaning. They were aimed at making fun of methods of cleaning. The first few times he posted I just blew it off and deleted the post. But after about a half dozen times or so, I decided enough was enough. I don't have an issue with Terry, I actually like the guy. Heck I even bought one of his famous Fjord King tee shirts at last years Summerfest. I enjoyed hanging out with him at Summerfest. That's not the issue though. The policy here is to be respectful, and that applies to everyone.

Everybody is welcome to post and have a good time here. Humor is a beautiful thing - bring it on. But being disrespectful won't fly. I'd love to have Terry post here. I'm happy to have anybody post here, in a respectful manner.

I'm not upset with Terry. I really couldn't care less either way. The guidelines on this forum are reasonable, they're not hard to comprehend or follow. Maintaining a measures of professionalism is one of the reasons this board is a nice place. If someone doesn't want to play by those simple rules I guess they can take their ball and go home. No big deal.

Like it says at the very bottom of every page...
You are a guest here so we invite you to please post respectfully. Enjoy!

Thanks again for your concern David. I hope this helps you understand my position on this.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 4, 2005 6:23 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 4, 2005 5:27 PM

David Hebert

Re: I hate to be the bad guy...

August 4 2005, 6:34 PM 

Thanks Rick
I must have missed the off color post
and remarks, since you deleted them. That is actually a good thing
Not letting things get out of control is better then figuring out how to fix
the mess later on.

Thanks for cleaning things up I know you are busy. I was not trying to start anything I just did not see what was going on


Current Topic - I hate to be the bad guy...
EncapBoard Guidelines: 
This forum has been provided by Excellent Supply Inc for sharing information about encapsulation cleaning technology and the business of commercial carpet cleaning.  
Excellent Supply Inc and its agents assume no responsibility for the accuracy of information displayed on this message board. You alone are responsible for any repercussions resulting from information posted here. Content posted on this message board may be used or published by Excellent Supply Inc. 
(1) Unauthorized advertising, promotion of rival products/brands, or listing items for sale without consent will not be permitted. 
(2) No profane, vulgar or abusive speech will be tolerated. Your privilege of posting may be blocked if you flame, use profanity, or are disrespectful. 
(3) We reserve the right to delete any post and block any  individual that we feel is inappropriate. 
(4) This forum is politically and religiously neutral, so please avoid discussing those subjects here.
(5) Maintain a good sense of humor! But keep it clean.
You are a guest here so we invite you to please post respectfully. Enjoy!

Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS