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Need help with the juice

August 8 2005 at 4:24 PM
Joe M 

As you may or may not know, my real job is a masked crime fighter. Well not really. I work as a janitor at our one of our six local schools.

I have agreed to do our carpets free of charge and a pat on the back, because we have a broken extractor and no money in the budget to fix or buy new equiptment, the two brand new F150 pickups that the boss and his buddy just got don't count.

Anyway, I mixed up a batch of releasit in a 5 gal pail and didn't use it all today. My ? is will it keep overnight or should I mix a new batch up in the morn.

Joe M


Rick Gelinas

Re: Need help with the juice

August 8 2005, 4:37 PM 

Good question. Here's a good rule of thumb to go by...

1. If you're going to use it the following day you'll be fine. And if you can put a cover on the container it would help to keep contaminants out of it.

2. If it were going to sit for a couple of days you can add some fresh juice to the old juice to recharge it. The recharged batch will work just fine.

3. If it's going to sit for a few days or more I'd suggest tossing it.

Rick Gelinas

Brian Vanous

why are kids suppost to be going to school?

August 8 2005, 5:21 PM 

I worked for a school distric for 3 years, always amazed me how always no money for maintanence, or books, or computers, but always plenty for football field, buses and gas to sports, new suburban for coaches to drive, new uniforms, pay for A.D., coaches, asst. coaches, referees, etc. sore sore sore subject for me when the same year they closed the shop program, they built a new wrestling room. AAAGHHHHHH My wifes a 20 year teacher, with a double Masters degree, she could make as much managing a McDonalds.

Then they wonder how come most of the kids now have no work ethic, and wanna play all the time.

I'll jump down off my box now



Juice for the drains?

August 8 2005, 8:34 PM 

Thanks Rick for not mentioning that if you pour a little Releasit down the drains each day it will help keep them open. There are still jantorial sales people in my area telling that to their large school customers.

Current Topic - Need help with the juice
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS