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August 9 2005 at 6:31 AM

This is emabarassing.

I have had a brand new Green Glide for three weeks now.

The last couple of weeks, I have been crook with the flu.

Have only gone and done a few jobs.

Today was just a four bedroom house and a couple of loose rugs, then another place with six loose rugs, up stairs.

My problem is, I haven't used my truck mount for so long, hence I can't say what I think about the Green Glide.

How do I tell Greenie & Lisa??

My glide is still a virgin, untouched by wool, nylon or poly;

How do I tell people that my trouble & strife loves to grab the 'Mex; and let me do the vaccing; and edges??

I feel I'm turning into a wimp.




Stephen Dobson

Re: Embarassed

August 9 2005, 2:53 PM 

Residential = Truckmount

Commercial = cimex (w or w/o post padding)

so if you are doing residential, you should have used that glide by now..

I cant say it enuf... and I love rick, encapsulation, the Cimex,, etc..

but encap is a commercial phenomenon.

And anything or anyone thinking elsewise,, is just successful in the self justification of saving time/ labor/ money.

residentials deserve HWE done right.
flushing, HEAT/ extraction/ sanitation.

I use my Cimex on about every job. But merely for agitation prior to pulling in the hoses for HWE.

I say this with honesty across the board.
I am known to use many new bags, return to vac 24-36 hours later. IN nearly 2 years with my cimex, i have never ONCE seen anything come into the vac besides visible stuff that is new to the surface.
Not with any other encap juice either.

to me, YES< it makes the carpets look awesome, but everything scrubbed is hence, still with in.

It never came out with the scrubbing. And it doesnt with the post vacuuming. still theory,, regardless of the manufacturer of any equipment or any juice on the market.

I cant explain it. The carpets look great.
but they will always look better with a post padding or a good HWE afterwards.

And like I say, I love Releasit and the Cimex.

But if I am cleaning my residence.. 'an occupied home'. it will always be with HWE first and foremost.

HWE done right. Now if its not done right, encap has its place then. But a good operator good at both,, HWE is the ticket.

Fire up the TM partner. Give em' justice. that only comes with extraction.

Respectively and honestly to all.


Proud user daily of Releasit/Cimex.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Rick Gelinas

Re: Embarassed

August 9 2005, 9:23 PM 

Shorty's been cleaning carpet's for decades. He's a top notch cleaner! He knows his way around a carpet. Of course, there's a time and place for everything. And if Shorty opted for encap, I'm willing to venture that it turned out nice.

Glad to hear the Cimex is saving your ol' bones a little extra grinding Shorty. Keep up the good work mate

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Embarassed
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS