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Maxing my 'mex

August 14 2005 at 3:21 PM

George Barnett  

Used my Cimex to clean hardwood dance floor. Saved several hours over last year on the same job. Also used it to strip tile.

Very small video from the job.

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Representative


Rick Gelinas

Re: Maxing my 'mex

August 14 2005, 8:08 PM 

Hey George that looked interesting. What were you using for pads on the Mex? Was there any concern about using that much water on the floor? I see you had your HT machine there too; did you rinse with it?

Rick Gelinas


What happened???????????????

August 15 2005, 3:15 AM 

Tried to log onto the site, and this is a small portion of what I got.


Just lots of gibberish.

What did I do???????




Rick Gelinas

Re: What happened???????????????

August 15 2005, 8:28 AM 

Shorty make sure have the latest version of Microsoft Media Player.

You can download it for free here...

Rick Gelinas


George Barnett

Process description

August 15 2005, 11:36 AM 

Tried to convert the clip from the native format my PDA uses to record to .wmv but it made it even more fuzzy.

The hardwood floor is 1 of 4 dance school studios in the same building. There is little or no finish left on the hardwood. I treat it just like cleaning a wooden deck. Used the Cimex and very light stripper solution (great surficant) along with hi-pro stripping pads (about the same as you sell for stripping, Rick) to wet the floor on first pass and scrub again on second pass. The floor was only wet for 15 minutes, actually had hard time keeping it from drying, and used air movers once studio was complete to almost completely dry in around 30 minutes.

My concern with unfinished hardwood is to keep it from splintering. Set my HT portable to around 1000 PSI and used ProRacer (ProRacer is motorized so the jets aim directly at surface, angled jets could fir the wood causing splintering) to clean the wood grain and immediately recover the solution.

Cimex saved me 2 steps over last year. Applying the solution and then scrubbing.

Equipment we used pictured below from left to right.
HT portable, hard surface wand, ProRacer and Cimex, not pictured with Hi-Pro pads.

George Barnett
Owner: G & G Services
HydroTech Representative

Current Topic - Maxing my 'mex
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS