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stains coming back, a lttle help please!

August 25 2005 at 3:51 PM

I did a synthetic berber using reieasit. I use an OP machine. I spayed the area ran the machine w/ a fiberplus pad, then damp cotton bonnet, afterward w/ a dry bonnet. It look great before I left. Today the customer called back saying some stains came and could I comr back. The carpet was in poor condition at the entrance. What should I do? The customer wants me to use a HWE machine saying that the only way to get it out.


Rick Gelinas

Re: stains coming back, a lttle help please!

August 25 2005, 8:49 PM 

Here's an article that I wrote recently. If you'll follow these instructions carefully you should have pretty good success.

Rick Gelinas



August 25 2005, 9:38 PM 

Rick, thanks for getting back to me!


Re: thanks

August 26 2005, 12:09 AM 

i haven't read Rick's article, but i've had the SAME problem Lou. then i figured out what I did wrong...

i Cimex'ed in the encap THEN i OP'ed over some traffic areas with lots of spills. when i OP'ed, i used damp / slightly wet (with plain water) cotton pads. and that was the problem. my adding MORE water to the situation diluted the encap so that it couldn't do it's job effectively. it also added moisture to already damp fibers which caused the spots to wickback.

from now on when i feel the need to follow the Cimex with the OP & a cotton pad, i will wet the cotton pad with, not plain water, but the RTU encap (and i'll just mist it on the cotton pad lightly with my Multisprayer).

thanx --- Derek.



August 26 2005, 6:53 AM 

Thanks, I'll trid w/ just a dry pad the next go around.


Stephen Dobson

Re: thanks

August 26 2005, 5:31 PM 

I never have a problem with the pad using water.
The key is ' how much ' water.
When pad cleaning, I give them a slight squeeze and down the go.. soaking wet.
When I am post padding, I submerge them in water, ring them out tight,, twisting style, by hand.

I never run them dry.
1. its bad for the pad. You will get less miles out of it.
2. Dirt will burn its way into the pad, making it hard to launder.

Use them wet. Spraying Releasit may work ok. but water and rung out tight will do fine as well.

You'll have to experiment on your own how to do it,, come up with your own niche'.
There is enuf info on here that you can get started.

Good luck.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Current Topic - stains coming back, a lttle help please!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS