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Putting out a Bid

August 30 2005 at 11:42 AM

I'm just looking for some suggestions. I have been talking to a large shoe store chain. That hires through it's corporate office. Through some fancy footwork I have the CEO'S # that I would make my proposal too. I know that the current company doing this job cleans with a portable and "ZEP" from home depot at 0.5cts per sq ft. I just had a sit down with a manager of one of the stores and enlightened him about encapsulation. He was very interested and I promised him a free Demo at his convenience. He did tell me that he was not impressed with the portable and zep. He complained about the wicking problems and said two weeks after cleaning the carpets looked like they had never been cleaned.

The job is 20,0000 sq ft and I am putting together a bid for this manager and corporate office. I can probably do this job for 7-8 cts a sq ft and still make a good profit. WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK? The stores are straight rows of carpet with no obstructions.


Re: Putting out a Bid

August 30 2005, 12:29 PM 

Sure - Make a proposal at a price you can live with. It never hurts to try. At worst you don't get the job that you never had. Plus, you get some practice. It is a no lose situation to make the best proposal you can.

My experience with bids that are decided by the "home office" in some distant location is that price rules. They can not see the local problems with wicking and resoiling so they just ignore them. However, you may get the job and do great. If you don;t get the job you are no worse off and have gained some experience.

Scott Warrington

Scott Warrington
Tech support Bridgepoint & Interlink Supply

David Hebert

Re: Putting out a Bid

August 30 2005, 12:58 PM 

You can make a good profit at 5 or 6 cents a sq ft on a large job like that
IF I can do 2000 to 2500 sq ft an hour with a rotary I would imagine with a Cimex you could go faster.

a job that size you would use about 2 gallons of DS.

Bid the job at what you need to make for your situation. You may want to do your Demo take pictures of before and after and mail them to the CEO with your proposal.


Tom Workman

Re: Putting out a Bid

August 30 2005, 3:25 PM 

When I approach a client like this I always prepare a full type written proposal. This is something most clients have never had from a cleaner but would expect from any other technical service provider. This also gives you a chance to sell your self in writing when presenting the proposal.

In the proposal give a professional analysis of the carpets current condition (ID the pain) then explain what you'll do differently and how it will resolve the problem. Just follow the KISS philosiphy:Keep It Simple Stanley!

I like to follow up with info such as the fact we are an IICRC certified firm with a master cleaner and senior inspector on staff and carry $1,000,000 of liability insurance for thier protection.

This will clearly define you as a professional and a far step above a low life rug sucker!

Ok I'll get off the box now.

Tom Workman
Floor Cleaning Experts


Re: Putting out a Bid

August 30 2005, 8:45 PM 

Ralph, I would match this price and still make $250 an hour, I am sure you meant 20,000 sq. ft. and not 200,000 sq. ft. like you posted.


Putting out a Bid

August 31 2005, 7:33 AM 

Sorry that is 20,000 sq ft

Current Topic - Putting out a Bid
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