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Tell me how, for now.

August 30 2005 at 11:59 PM

In time I will purchase a Cimex, until then can you please tell me how to encap carpets with just a 175rpm scrubber.

Type of pad, or bonnet to use?
How much solution to apply to carpet or pad (how wet should they get?
What to look for while doing the job?
How fast does encapping take to dry?

I tried it once before with a 175 rpm machine and a tan buffing pad. it turned out not to good, I think I did not apply enough solution, I just lighty mist the carpet.


David Hebert

Re: Tell me how, for now.

August 31 2005, 8:51 AM 

get your self a shampoo tank for your machine that will make life easier

We use beige pads or white pads, sometimes ice blue ones.
White pads with give you a lot of foaming ability but less aggitation then the other two pads. beige pads my fave pad will not foam a lot but you can see a slight grey foam.

I use a 320 speed buffer. I apply the solution either going side to side of front to back, then use the oposite motion for dry pass. There are time when you may need to scrub a bit more then others, after a good wet pass there is usually no need to apply more if you need to scrub more just scrub.

Lightly misting the carpet would sugest to me you did not use enough chemical

Gary R. Heacock

shampoo tank is best

August 31 2005, 1:44 PM 

I have to agree with David, applying by a shower feed from a tank is easiest, and quickest, and works best.

You can control the amount applied, some areas more, some areas a bit less, but you can see whether it is working or not as you go.

A general rule of thumb I found in over 40 years of shampooing with a roto is- make ovals, not side to side, overlapping 1/2 the previous oval, and watching the amount of foam generated at the side of the machine, a pile of foam about 1/2 inch high, and about 2 or 3 sq inches big, and that is being worked in as you go, and drop more as that amount is worked in.

Keeping the roto handle level, a push and pull motion allowing the head to remain level will give the best control and even working of the brush, pad or bonnet.

Spraying the detergent on is slower process, and puts some in the air, which you don't want, in my opinion.

Then if you need more, you have to stop the roto and spray more, start the roto again, etc.


Current Topic - Tell me how, for now.
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