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Ecaps pads

August 31 2005 at 6:58 PM
David Hebert  

has anyone used natural hair pads for encaping.
I usually use beige pads but I cannot get them in 17 inch the closet thing I see is NH pads


Re: Ecaps pads

August 31 2005, 7:58 PM 

I tried some with my 20" rotory. With the heat generated on carpets and being wet, they started to stink like an old wet sow. And they shed. Not a good experiance.


D. Floresaurus

Re: Ecaps pads

August 31 2005, 8:17 PM 

Us po folk' cut down larger pads to whatever size we need. We cut down beige pads to 8" for the Cimex. Did 18,000 feet last weekend and only used 9- 8" pads. Can you cut a 19 or 20 inch beige down to 17 inch? I use 20" pads on a 17" rotary. Tried hair/fiber pads once. Same experience as BV. Really boogered up the carpet when I didn't let out enough solution. Got all wet and nasty, finally started breaking apart. I love beige thermal pads on the Cimex and rotary.

Richard Brooks

Re: Ecaps pads

August 31 2005, 9:01 PM 

I use these, they work great

Rich @ Hit The Spot


Rick Gelinas

Re: Ecaps pads

August 31 2005, 9:16 PM 

Thanks for the plug there Rich.

Yes, that's what the 17" FiberPlus pads are intended for...

BTW We tried hog hair pads and hog hair blends as we tested several different pads looking for the best pads for encap cleaning. In our experience, the hog hair pads didn't wear as well as we would have liked them to. I asked the manufacturer if there was a way to improve the hog hair pads for using in our carpet cleaning application. And I was told that the hair pads are not going to perform as well for carpet cleaning because they're NOT intended for wet applications.

Rick Gelinas

David Hebert

Re: Ecaps pads

September 1 2005, 12:35 AM 

Thanks guys

The pads are not for me but for a friend who I will be cleaning with this weekend.
I guess I'll get extra 20 inch pads and have them cut up


Current Topic - Ecaps pads
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