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August 31 2005 at 7:23 PM


I am (currently) a part time carpet cleaner running an HWE portable extractor with a RotoVac Powerwand. I am looking for anyone with direct experience using the RotoVac floor brushes to encap carpet. What problems, results, etc.



Bill Grafton


August 31 2005, 8:35 PM 

I also use a Rotovac with a portable. I did buy the brushes but use them only to brush in the pre-spray on soiled areas. I also have the Cimex. I don't think the Rotovac with brushes would do a very good job of encapsulation. The rotovac only weighs about 30 lbs and the brushes are very soft. The Cimex weighs over a 100 lbs (I think) and uses pads. If you can't afford the Cimex at this time, buy or rent a 175 rpm floor buffer and buy the pads for it from Rick. That's what I did to start. Good luck!

This message has been edited by billgrafton on Aug 31, 2005 8:35 PM

Dennis Estelle

re: rotovac use

September 1 2005, 8:06 AM 

I had used the rotovac exclusively until I purchased a Cimex and Challenger.
There were times I attempted using the rotovac as you suggest. I experimented a lot with this because I didn't want to haul the Cimex up those 2nd story stairs. (That was my main reason for buying the Challenger)

I found that it worked fairly well in small areas or if the carpet was't too soiled. But as mentioned above, you simply don't have the necessary weight to really scrub the carpet and the soft brushes simply can't compare to the FP pads you can use with an OP or Cimex.

Once you start using encap, you won't go back. I rarely use my rotovac anymore.

Clay Carson

Re: re: rotovac use

September 8 2005, 6:42 AM 

We have used a Rotovac, but not with the brushes. When a client requests HWE, we use the green Releasit for extraction and the Rotovac. It does an awesome job.

If I were to use the Rotovac for brushes and encap, I'm not sure it has enough weight to be effective...but ain't never tried it, to be fair.

Current Topic - RotoVac
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS