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carpet spot

September 2 2005 at 12:22 PM


Hello I have a customer who owns a mail – box store, and they just installed new carpet but here’s where it gets good.

The installer spilled some carpet adhesive and then used turpentine to cleanup with, now this is what it looks like. see picture below.

In the past I have clean carpet adhesive with AFTA and NO resoling.
I’m open for suggestions

This message has been edited by tadsvces on Sep 2, 2005 12:31 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: carpet spot

September 2 2005, 2:26 PM 

Adhesives require solvents. I'd suggest trying CTI's Pro Solve Gel and then clean the carpet and thoroughly extract the solvent.

But stop right here.

Who spilled the adhesive???

It's the installers fault. He owns the problem. If you go in and mess up the carpet, YOU own the problem. That's not a fair equation IMHO. Since this is a carpet that the installer damaged, then the installer should repair/replace it.

Carpet adhesive is tough stuff. It may not come out of the carpet. It's possible that you could delaminate the backing using solvents to remove the residue.

If there are no other options and you are pushed into cleaning the spot... Have the customer sign a waiver, make it clear that you only hope to improve the condition, and proceed with caution.

Life is too short for small accounts with problems that can escalate into a big headache for you.

Just my 2 cents.

Rick Gelinas



Re: carpet spot

September 2 2005, 3:43 PM 

Rick ,
As always THANK you for your expert advice.

I told the custy we won't be touching (his/installers) problem.


Current Topic - carpet spot
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