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Commercial Marketing Program

September 4 2005 at 11:30 PM
David VanBriggle 

I've seen a lot of inquiries on selling commercial accounts. I have the Power Selling program from Chuck Violand. It shows you how to make the initial approach, how to conduct the interview, how to overcome objections, how to put together the proposal and close the sale. It gives you the confidence to go after big accounts. If you've ever been to one of Chuck's seminar's you'd know he's one of the best. I have set up my selling program so I'm going to sell the program on E-bay. Rick, I thought this might be of interest and help to someone especially on your board. I hope it's all right to mention it so ones can look on ebay for it.

David VB


Re: Commercial Marketing Program

September 5 2005, 10:12 AM 

hiyas David

i've looked with interest at that program, right up our alley. has it made an impact in your business?

thanx for the heads-up!

take care --- Derek.

David Van Briggle

Re: Commercial Marketing Program

September 6 2005, 9:48 AM 

I first met Chuck back in about 1997. He conducted the best seminar I have ever been to on running a carpet cleaning business and selling commercial work. I have acquired several large commercial buildings (UP to 90,000 sq.ft.)since. When I went to SFS at JonDon 1 1/2 years ago (which I highly recommend) he came out with this new program which is a great improvement over what he had in 97. What it did for me was give me confidence in approaching even large commercial accounts. Instead of being a carpet cleaner approaching these business types, it shows you how to be a professional salesman; how to dress, how to approach and get past the receptionist, how to conduct an interview with the contact, how to build and present a professional proposal, and how to close the sale. He even gives you a list of the most common objections with suggestions on how to overcome them. I think it's a great program and will change anyone's business who implements it.

Wayne Martin

Re: Commercial Marketing Program

September 6 2005, 1:29 PM 

David, is this the latest program with cd's? How long did it take you to assimulate the material and in what way did this help you get these large accounts.How much of the printouts and other preprinted materials actually helped you win the larger contracts? Thanks for your time and am glad for your success.

David Van Briggle

Re: Commercial Marketing Program

September 7 2005, 1:54 AM 

I bought this latest package about 4 - 5 months ago. As I said earlier, it is an excellent refinement of the seminar I took back in 97. It does't take but a few hours to study the manual, however becoming a salesman is for me at least an on going deal. He emphasizes the importance of listening to the potential client and has a Questionaire form to guide you through the interview. There is a short form proposal for small contracts and a long form for large contracts. Numerous sample letters are provided for various needs. The forms are great but I think the real value is in the insight he offers. If I feellike I'm going to make a fool of myself I'll find endless excuses to not do something. With this program the whole process is laid out so you know how to handle each step of the selling process. No excuses left. I would say the same thing about Chuck whether I was selling my copy or not. I highly recommend going to Strategies at JonDon. No other seminar I've ever been to even begins to compare.

Current Topic - Commercial Marketing Program
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