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Add surcharge for Gas

September 5 2005 at 10:24 PM
Fred Geyen  

Has anyone added a surcharge on their billing for gas?
For example we have thought about including a note with our regular commercial customers about the cost of gas and adding $15.00-$20.00 each per month. What do you think?

"Commercial Only"

David Hebert

Re: Add surcharge for Gas

September 6 2005, 7:06 AM 

For the several years we have had a set up fee
for all of our clients both res and com


Stephen Dobson

Re: Add surcharge for Gas

September 6 2005, 9:37 AM 

I have an annual price increase.

As far as raising prices since the gas hikes.. if you have a TM<, i see it as fine and dandy. If you are using the Cimex,, i dont see why you would.

Thats just me. While I have added a surcharge since I use my TM on all jobs,, residentially speaking, I havent added anything to my cleaning bill other than the actual gas increase. I add about 2.50 per job. That suffices.

VLM and HWE TM cleaning, there is a big difference in gas consumption.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

David Gelinas

Re: Add surcharge for Gas

September 7 2005, 1:24 PM 


About four – six months ago we started adding $7 to every invoice/work order. Seven dollars isn’t a lot of money but once you multiply it by the number of invoices you generate each month it adds up. It has gone a long way to taking the sting out of higher gas prices. I have a customer we’ll do ten stores for and put them all on one invoice, that’s $70 extra dollars for that one invoice. And this is the best part, not a single customer said boo about any of it. They understand it’s just simply costing more to do business, them & us.

David Gelinas


Re: Add surcharge for Gas

September 7 2005, 9:05 PM 

Do not add a extra charge for gas, it will piss alot of people off. Raise your price a little and don't mention and added charge for gas. We all have to pay more for gas. I quit having all of our vehicles serviced at one dealership because they added $8.00 to every invoice for oil, rags and etc. and actually listed it on the invoice. We have 7 vehicles to get serviced every month, think of the money they lost.


Current Topic - Add surcharge for Gas
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