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Last night's Demo

September 7 2005 at 12:59 PM
David Gelinas 

I did a demo last night that went very well. There is a someone that is wanting to buy a Cimex for carpet cleaning and has been Emailing me with some questions. A small part of the email I just sent him is included below

......I blew this guys mind last night. He was VERY, VERY skeptical. In his mind the only way to clean a carpet is with extraction. This carpet was absolutely trashed; it’s ready to be replaced. I pre sprayed it w/ DS at 8oz per gal and pre-scrubbed it with the Pile Master. Then scrubbed with the Cimex at 4oz per gal and then went back over it with the Pile Master. The pre & post scrubbing with the Pile Master was not necessary but I had an audience and I had to give them a show. By the time I had scrubbed a 4X4 section of the carpet with the Cimex he said, “OK, when you’re done with this area we need to take a walk”. We walked off the rest of the facility (21,000sq ft)and he showed me what else he wants done and on what schedule. ......

I've got to put everything down on paper for them so we'll see how it progresses. I did call this "previous nah say’er" to see how the carpets looked this morning and he said he's anxious to get my bid. So we'll see.

David Gelinas


Rick Gelinas

Re: Last night's Demo

September 7 2005, 2:33 PM 

Glad to hear it worked out for ya Dave!

BTW guys, Dave called and asked me what I thought about a LARGE hotel complex that was asking for information. As Dave related, he had concern about their skepticism.

Dave told me that the management folks wanted to watch him do the actual cleaning. So I'm thinking about it and I immediately saw a potential problem. If Dave just goes in with the Cimex, they're gonna say - "our janitor can do this his own dang self, why do we need to hire your sorry looking butt?" (he really has a sorry looking butt)

So I suggested to Dave that he use the Pile Master along with the Cimex for the Demo. I told him to let the prospect know that the Pile-Master is imported from Austria and that the Cimex machine is imported from England (adds a little mystique).

I also suggested that he pre-spray with Releasit mixed with alcohol, and then explain to the prospect that he's cleaning with a 2 part product 1. a natural solvent (i.e. alcohol), and 2. a crystallizing encapsulation detergent with a built in protector.

Why go to such lengths? By making the process a bit more technical sounding we can hope to steer the prospect away from recognizing this cleaning process is as easy as it really is. From the sounds of things the approach worked.

My advice to all of you is this... If you're going to do a demo and you're being watched by people who have the power to do it themselves, put on the "dog and pony show" and keep your secrets to yourself

Rick Gelinas

David Hebert

Re: Last night's Demo

September 7 2005, 3:21 PM 

Rick I agree 100%
when we go into account like that for any type of cleaning I whip out all the goodies
no matter what system we are going to be using I will always bring the other system along to complement the one that will be my primary system, and make it more detailed.

One thing to remember David maybe watched a few times so he may have to use this system he showed at the Demo!!

When selling machine I will also bring in all the guns to show a complete system and how it works. Many times they will buy several components other times only the main piece and I will show them how to use what they have until the client can afford more.

Great Job David
and Rick for helping your BRO out

John Long

What's a Pile Master?

September 7 2005, 6:20 PM 

Is it a vac or a pile lifter, or what?

John L.


Rick Gelinas

Re: What's a Pile Master?

September 8 2005, 6:40 AM 

The Pile-Master is a cylindrical scrubber It's primary use is for encap scrubbing. It's a very serious cylindrical scrubber!

BTW there is a add-on option for the Pile-Master that can collect the junk from the carpet. You can clip two collection/hoppers to the front and rear of the unit and retrieve debris as you run the machine. They work better than you could imagine. It's pretty unbelievable, they work like a good vacuum to pull up junk from the carpet. And you'll retrieve much more soil from the carpet than you will with a pile lifter.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Last night's Demo
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS