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Has anyone used Tuway Thin Ones as pads?

September 12 2005 at 5:26 PM

Has anyone used Tuway Thin Ones (same as Durapads) as pads on the Cimex? If so, how do they perform? How well do they last?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Has anyone used Tuway Thin Ones as pads?

September 12 2005, 6:10 PM 

Those are the exact bonnets that we're selling...

They perform nicely on the Cimex.
They're moderately absorbent and they're very durable.

Besides being the perfect bonnets for the Cimex, they're also great for working with the 8" drill driver for doing hand work with a a drill and bonnet...

Rick Gelinas

Davo Flores

Re: Has anyone used Tuway Thin Ones as pads?

September 12 2005, 9:27 PM 

Been using them for about two years on carpet and upholstery. Hold up real well. On the giant clinics that we do we follow up the Cimex with pads with a Cimex and bonnets on the bad areas. It is unbelievable what those will suck up. Main drawback- they load up so fast we have to change them all the time. But the carpet, it do look good.


Mark Dullea


September 13 2005, 5:59 AM 

When using bonnets/pads of any sort with a Cimex, do you have to pre-spray separately? Or will the cleaning solution flow down thru cotton or synthetic pads as effectively as thru Fiberplus pads?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Tuway

September 13 2005, 7:43 AM 

Mark I suggest using the bonnets like you would normally use a bonnet. Spray the carpet first, then run over the carpet with the bonnets on the Cimex. Or you can post-bonnet following normal encap cleaning to extract a bit more soil.

Rick Gelinas

Davo Flores

Re: Tuway

September 13 2005, 8:58 AM 

Right on RG. We wet the pads before we use them. They seem to suck up more than starting dry. Kind of like the OP guys, we have a 5 gallon bucket with about 30 bonnets in it and some water. Wring them out and bust it.

We did a clinic that was full of our Oklahoma red clay. I almost walked away. I didn't think encap would do it and I am not up to dragging out the extractor.Then I heard those words I love, "do the best you can". Did encap and followed up with the bonnets. Our best job yet.

And in our non-scientific testing we pick up as many "crystals" if we use pads or bonnet.


Current Topic - Has anyone used Tuway Thin Ones as pads?
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