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Hi John

September 14 2005 at 6:58 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Well looky there. Good ole JohnG stoppin by to see what we're up to...

Howdy John

Rick Gelinas


Re: Hi John

September 14 2005, 7:54 PM 

Busted! LOL

Mark Dullea

Re: Hi John

September 15 2005, 6:06 PM 

According to several individuals whose knowledge of this industry surpasses mine, John G. gas been
"visiting" my Challenger Forum (go to and click onto the Bravenet forum at the bottom of the home page). However, it appears he has been doing so while posting under a bogus name
(Jason Travis) and using an e-mail address found to belong to someone else: And he is not
just posting innocuous, generic info re. OP cleaning, VLM, etc. He is using his posts to shamelessly
promote his own equipment, making unsubstantiated claims concerning "bigger orbits", "faster cleaning", etc,
than can be achieved with equipment from other manufacturers. All this from a guy who tirelessly prowls
internet boards and forums reprimanding others who might be making a case for other brands. If this is indeed
John G., then I find it rather pathetic that he feels he has to promote his line so dishonestly. Go read his
posts and judge for yourself.


Hi Mark

September 15 2005, 8:49 PM 

Unless John got to use a neighbor's computer recently, I don't know how he'd get on your board. They didn't have any computer access at their new house until just a few days ago, the disc wasn't in place until monday,and wasn't working right, then. At the same time his truck was in the shop for nearly 2 weeks having the turbo replaced. Their email still isn't working right. We're doing everything by fax (Didn't even have that until late last week!.

If John's on your board, he sure isn't broadcasting it to me, and I don't know how he'd have gotten there.

I come to both of these boards a lot - to learn. There are bright people on all these boards with lots of tips and hints that I appreciate. I don't often post, because I know of the friction, and don't want to irritate the hosts or their posters. After all, they're your boards.

(Not that I never was irritating, just not on either of THESE boards!)


Mark Dullea

Re. J.G.

September 16 2005, 7:57 AM 

When these Jason T. postings began to show up, I really didn't think that it could be John. But then the postings began to read like commercials for CCS products. People I consider "personages" in the industry who visit the Challenger Forum from time to time would e-mail me, clueing me in on who they believed this Jason to be. I jump around to a number of Boards and Forums myself, and can't recall ever seeing postings from a Jason
Travis, or JasonT, anywhere else. When I asked "Jason" to tell me a little about himself: his business' name; where he is located, etc., there would be no response. So unless someone can prove me wrong, I will continue to believe that this is either John, or someone acting at his direction. If I am wrong, I will offer an

Current Topic - Hi John
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