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New Cimex

September 14 2005 at 8:50 PM
Dave M.  

This is my first post here. Just received my new Cimex today, can't wait to try out. Looks awesome! I just wanted to say thanks to Rick for the quick shipping.


Your gonna luv it

September 15 2005, 8:16 AM 

I just got mine last friday. Monday morning I had an HWE to do
a mess and ended up making $100 bucks and felt guilty taking that (older couple) but the place was trash. I'm dealing with 100' of hoses using a drimaster and fuses kept popping, in and out of the house sweating like a pig.Then I head off to my commercial account with my Cimex. Pull up to the curb take out the cimex with a bucket with Releasit and pads inside (they had already vac) Mixed up the juice, put the pads on, plugged it in and started making money what a DIFFERENCE your unplugged it back in the trailor and off I go. You'll always remember the 1st time LOL.
Oh did I mention I have a bunch of HWE stuff for sale!!! Good luck!

David Hebert

Re: Your gonna luv it

September 15 2005, 10:35 AM 

Keep your HWE stuff you will need it also just not as much.
Far better to have a weapons arsnal then to only have one weapon.

Mark Anthony

HWE machine

September 16 2005, 1:40 AM 

I have kept my PORTY and use it mainly for upholstery cleaning and Auto upholstery cleaning.


Afterglow Services
Commercial & Residential Carpet Care

This message has been edited by mabz on Sep 16, 2005 1:42 AM

Current Topic - New Cimex
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS