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how to, and questions???

September 17 2005 at 3:44 PM

How do you store the Cimex, how do you keep the head and pins from hitting the ground, do they make a protective piece to protect the pins?

When walking forward do you hold dowm on the trigger? It seemed to give me too much solution, so after awhile I started to feather it a little every second or two.

Learning, so please help.



Re: how to, and questions???

September 17 2005, 4:48 PM 

I store, keep in the van, move it around, all with the head in the upright position.

Simply get a bungee strap, (long rubber band with a hook at both end.

Hook it through the lifting lug on the base plate, and up and around the handle.

Couldn't be simpler.

If you roll you cable on correctly, the strap will also go around this, so you don't have to tie a knot with your cable, and risk fracturing the wires inside.

Mex; it to the Max !!!



not an expert

September 17 2005, 6:41 PM 

I also just got my Cimex and had the same type of issues. I was walking to slow and holding the trigger wide open. If you hold the trigger wide open I found you should walk right along and if you slow down feather the trigger. Also before I started my turn I would let off and feather the trigger. Also I was amazed at the stain removal abilities which, if you do the method Rick says they come right up in seconds. A couple of times I was slinging suds all over the place! LOL But I got the hang of it pretty and it still did a great job in spite of my screw ups.
I'm sure others will help more but as a newbie I had the exact same issues.
Your gonna luv it!!


not an expert

September 18 2005, 7:24 AM 

Guys this system is almost fool proof. If more juice comes out than you expected just do another dry pass over it. Walk quickly when making your wet pass. When making the dry pass walk can feather some juice on the dry pass if you need to. The toughest thing I find is when I'm making my turn after my wet pass I shut down the trigger 5-6 feet before the turn so not to spread extra juice in the same spots over and over again.. good luck



Re: how to, and questions???

September 18 2005, 6:53 PM 

I have been storing my Cimex's in my vans in the upright position with the pads in place for over a year now. I used to have a 24" Cimex that was too heavy to load and unload, so I left it on the job site, also stored in the upright position (that was before pads, so I used (3) 2" x 4"s to put under the head to keep the brushes off the foor)Also I might mention that I have not drained the tanks in over a year now, I just add new hot juice. Works for me.

Mark Dullea

Re: how to, and questions???

September 19 2005, 2:27 PM 

I too purchased a 24" machine as my first Cimex. I figured if the 19" model was fast & profitable, then the 24"-er would be that much more so. At first it was a little (more than a little!) awkward getting it into &
out of my Honda Element. But after setting up a pair of 2" x 8" ramps using a kit sold at Home Depot, I've
gotten it pretty much down to a science. I store it on board with the head up - held in place via a couple of bungee coards - and with the fiberplus pads on. Maybe I'll buy a 30"-er next!


Re: how to, and questions???

September 19 2005, 8:18 PM 

I used to be a Cimex Distributor and had the 30" and the little 8" one for bathrooms also, not to mention the escalator cleaner they had (I actualy sold one to JCP in Atlanta. If you get the 30" one I would recomend getting a athletic supporter as you will need it. LOL The big one almost always need a dedicated 20 amp circuit to run it. I don't even know if they still make the 30" anymore.

Current Topic - how to, and questions???
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