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Need input

September 19 2005 at 7:48 PM

I picked up a used Cimex, I am dealing with the problem of how to transport it around, I was thinking of maybe a light weight ramp of some sort. I have an RX 20, and that is not to bad to lift. But, since the head unit on the Cimex moves so easy and weight about 20 pounds more, I can see why they put out the warning of lifting it can cause injury. I want to transport it in my Toyota 4Runner, my van has the RX.

When you pull on the solution trigger, how fast are alot of you walking? I tried it and I was getting foam shooting out the sides. I am using Encap-DS. A supplier out of Pittsburgh wanted me to use BridgePoint instead I decide against it since I have been reading this forum.

I am also fighting a little with the cord.

If any one wants to tell me there story of there dirtyest carpet cleaning job using a Cimex I liked to hear it and maybe see a photo or two.

Are the Fiber Plus pads solid, no hole cut out in center like a buffing pad, and do they work?


This message has been edited by thecleanerguy on Sep 19, 2005 7:51 PM


Re: Need input

September 19 2005, 8:48 PM 

Ron, what size did you buy? transporting in a 4 runner, they are too high off the ground for me to load and unload a Cimex in. But you might try what I use, a 2'x 6' x 3/4" plywood as a ramp, when not in use just lay on the floor of the vehicle, (make sure that Cimex is secured properly, even in a fender bender you could have it sitting in you lap) Get the fiberplus pads (no hole in center) they work great and don't sling like the brushes. The only time I use brushes is to clean rugs at my shop. Cord management ( I am always teaching my two grandsons how to do this) Plug in and work from the plug to the farthest point (about 50') and then go to the next 50' on the other side of the plug. 100" of cleaning with just one plug in, Cool Beans! This is the easiest machine on the market for working with a cord.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Need input

September 20 2005, 5:39 AM 

Ray answered your questions well. And here’s a little more info that may help you.

Here’s a simple approach for a ramp:

You can purchase a piece of 2'x4' 3/4" pre-cut plywood at Home Depot. Attach steel brackets to the end of the board. The 4-foot ramp works great on a ½ ton van, a longer board may be needed for ¾ or 1 ton vans.

The brackets shown here were fabricated at a welding shop for about $20. This makes an inexpensive and sturdy ramp. Just step into the van and pull it up the ramp backwards.

Here's what it looks like...

Here are instructions for getting up to speed with your new Cimex...

And here’s the only regular maintenance you’ll need for the Cimex to keep the plumbing flowing smoothly...

Enjoy your new “used” Mex!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Need input
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS