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Hard-core HWE needs convincing....

September 20 2005 at 11:17 AM

I feel the "Most Thorough Cleaning Ever...or It's Free" applies to my company and system of truckmount using a RX-20 is the best.
However I want to be open-minded so I bought a new Ci-mex and encap product to experiment on my commercial accounts.
If this works as good as you say...GREAT!
I guess my first job will tell or convince me otherwise!

I wonder about getting in under desks and smaller carpeted areas works with encapping compared with the ease of the flexibility of swithing from the RX-20 to a wand, stair-tool, etc.

David Hebert

Re: Hard-core HWE needs convincing....

September 20 2005, 1:03 PM 

Ron I am a diehard HWE man my self.
I can tell you encaping with the right juice will make you stand up and take notice.

While I use a rotary and cylindrical brush machines, I think you will not find it hard to get under many desk areas, the ones that are harder to get under use either a small dust mop diped in DS or a doodle bug. Most areas that you cannot reach easily will not be that dirty.



Re: Hard-core HWE needs convincing....

September 20 2005, 1:09 PM 

The only place that the Cimex don't get to that really annoys me are the corners of the 4 elevators that I do weekly. The stairs and few other nooks and such I use a doodle bug and a bucket of Encap.



What is a doodlebug

September 20 2005, 3:07 PM 

What is this doodle bug you speak about?


Rick Gelinas

Re: What is a doodlebug

September 20 2005, 3:32 PM 

Here's what a Doodlebug looks like...

Available from any local Janitorial Supply house.

You cut a piece of FiberPlus pad, attach it, and away you go.

Rick Gelinas


Re: What is a doodlebug

September 20 2005, 4:27 PM 

or you can buy pads of any color that are cut for them.
Usually for hard floor work.



Rick Gelinas

Re: What is a doodlebug

September 20 2005, 6:00 PM 

Yep that's true. I only mentioned the FP pads cuz they prob'ly already have some on hand.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Hard-core HWE needs convincing....
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