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Floor Buffer?

September 20 2005 at 7:34 PM
Dave Stout  

I have a two speed buffer and I'm wondering if it is possible to use this with the Releasit solution. I'd like to see what kind of results I would get using the buffer before I sink money into a new machine.If it's possible does anyone know if there are any kind of detailed instructions on using a buffer with the Releasit solution anywhere out there? Thanks.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Floor Buffer?

September 20 2005, 10:41 PM 

That's a good idea. Lots of fellas started out with a standard rotary machine. You can get some FiberPlus pads for your rotary machine and run the Releasit through a shampoo tank. You'll be well on your way to experience what encapsulation is capable of. And after you see what you can do with a rotary you may possibly come to a point where you'll see the benefit of having some added added performance with the Cimex, you'll just have to see. Either way, you'll be impressed with what you can do with Releasit as you get your feet wet with encapping.

Rick Gelinas

David Hebert

Re: Floor Buffer?

September 21 2005, 8:15 AM 

WE use a dule speed rotary all the time.

run the buffer on the high speed, as Rick stated run the solution through a
shampoo tank and you will be fine.
I use beige or white pads sometimes ice blue ones.

our buffer is a 20 inch, we have been using it for this type of work for several years now
it will work just fine for you until you are ready to make the move to a different machine.

Rick VanderKoy

Re: Floor Buffer?

September 21 2005, 3:03 PM 

Just a question regarding using regular floor machines vs. Cimex. When I do make the jump to a Cimex how much improvement can I expect to see? Is the gain primarily in productivity? Better cleaning? Both? How much better?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Floor Buffer?

September 21 2005, 9:34 PM 

How much better? Here are some things to consider...

~A standard rotary machine has a single driver turning at 175 rpm.
~A Cimex has 3 drivers spinning at 400 rpm.
So the Cimex has 3 times as many drivers spinning more than twice as fast.
That amounts to a six-fold increase in performance with each cleaning pass.

But it doesn't stop there.

In addition, the Cimex turns left and right simultaneously. As the drive deck revolves clockwise, the 3 cleaning heads spin counter-clockwise, kind of like the teacup ride at the fair. This means that we can address each side of the fiber as the machine is pushed across the carpet.

Plus the Cimex is safer to operate. There's no side to side torque. In fact you can even let go of the Cimex while the head is spinning and the machine will just sit there running. It will not gobble up wires (it just pushes them out of the way) if you happen to run into phone wires, network, cables, etc. And because of the planetary design it's also exceptionally safe for the carpet fiber. Spinning clockwise and counter-clockwise at the same time means that it can't untwist the fiber.

So what you have is a extremely aggressive degree of agitation. And on the other hand it is extremely non-damaging to the fiber. Add to that the 6.6 gallon tank and the ability to clean 2,000 - 3,000 sq ft per hour and you can quickly see how the Cimex compares. It's a sweet machine, which accounts for its enormous popularity.

These are some of the performance differences. There are other more subtle differences too. Such as the impression the Cimex makes on your client. Rolling in with a standard floor buffer can make a rather ho-hum impression on a client. When you roll in with the Big Yeller Cimex with the 3 heads staring them squarely in the eye it makes for a little different encounter. Many clients will stop in their tracks and say MAN THAT IS SOME MACHINE YOU'VE GOT THERE.

Those are the high points. Hope this covers the basics for ya. I'm sure I'm leaving some things out. But I've gotta take off and finish packing and getting ready for Connections. We're flying out for the show bright and early.

Rick Gelinas


What a Difference!

September 22 2005, 8:58 AM 

I would compare it to riding a bicycle and then driving a car.

Robert Jess

Re: What a Difference!

September 22 2005, 2:20 PM 

I used the low speed with the releasit. I used a pump spray and did small sections at a time.
it was in a doctors office burber carpet. also did it in some industrial plants. worked pretty good. actualy thats what made me want a cimex, figured if that did pretty good. the cimex would do it better and eser. but if can not purchase the cimex, the low speed will do it.

Dave Stout


September 25 2005, 1:31 PM 

Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply. I'm trying to get a sample from so I can give it a try. Thanks again!

Gary R. Heacock

Re: Thanks!

October 4 2005, 3:17 PM 

Since I was too close to retirement when I started using Releasit Encapsulating Detergent, I decided not to buy a Cimex, so used my 17 inch Chemstractor roto with the Releasit Encapsulating Detergent and Fiber Plus Pads, on both residential and commercial accounts for about a year.

Worked fine. My son, who took over my business is still using this combination, but is about ready to get a Cimex mainly for the commercial jobs he has.

The main reason to get a Cimex, as I see it, is a LOT faster and easier to maneuver on larger jobs.


Current Topic - Floor Buffer?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS