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Cimex Pricing

September 27 2005 at 3:43 PM

I own two cimex machines, one for 10 years and one for about 7 years. I am wondering what others using the cimex machine are charing. When I started with the cimex machines 10 years ago many were charging between .05 and .10. I know it depends on how much and how many times, but I am just looking for a good average price. THANKS


Re: Cimex Pricing

September 27 2005, 4:52 PM 

Average here for us is .16 to .19


new also

September 27 2005, 5:24 PM 

I'm new at this but I've been charging $.10 for 15000 sq ft.
and $.12 for under 10000 maybe I need to rethink this however I'm making $75 to $125 an hour at that. My customers have been loving the results and price so I guess it's a win win for everybody.


Cimex Pricing

September 27 2005, 10:18 PM 

I charge a flat rate of .20/sq. ft. The lowest I've gone so far is .17/sq. ft. As far as huge carpeted areas go, there are not many businesses in my area that have over 10,000 sq. ft of carpet so I haven't had to think about how low I would go on jobs like those. Probably wouldn't drop lower than .15. At that, the carpets would have to be in excellent shape.


Stephen Dobson

Re: Cimex Pricing

September 27 2005, 11:00 PM 


It all depends.. Thats a hard question to answer.
I probably average about .15 cents PSF<, so its right in there.

There are alot of variables,, moving furniture, open areas,, lots of sq. footage, etc.

Make sense?
And time. I try to figure by the hour my profitable rate. It doesnt vary much between methods. And it depends on your overhead and how much you need/want to make.

Some can charge .20 and make the same as a feller making .10

SO it's hard to say.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Re: Cimex Pricing

September 28 2005, 12:33 AM 

I've changed my ideas on pricing since I got the Mex;

Guess I should really work out a M2, sorry, F2 price.

Generally by walking the floor, I have an idea how long it is going to take with the Mex; I add up the time and multiply it out to make a tidy profit.

This usually works out at about AUS $180.00 per hour

An example of this is something I have cut 'n pasted from one of my posts on the Aussie forum yesterday.

Last night, I cleaned a pub, 2.5 hours for $440.00

Tonight I cleaned Flight Centre, 35 minutes, $110.00

Tomorrow evening, I clean an office, about two hours for $363.00

It's all relative, when I first started using Mex;, it was on jobs I had previously HWE. Even though I was finished a lot quicker, I couldn't really drop my price now, could I.

Those first few jobs averaged over AUS$300.00 per hour, and the management was rapt.

So was I.




Cimex Pricing

September 28 2005, 7:07 AM 

I just got a contract for a new library in town
23,000 sq ft. I charged 15 sq ft but what won me the
contract was a maintenance program. I put into my bid
that I would check the carpets on a quartely basis and clean traffic areas and any spills that have occurred.
The library only had 1 cleaning per year in there plans.
By me adding that I will make sure the carpets look good all year long I got the job. The carpet is brand new so
I will make sure it is well maintained. total for the job



It is what you sell that makes the difference

September 28 2005, 9:49 AM 

Ralph, way to go. You sold them "clean carpet" instead of "carpet cleaning" I think if more CCers could wrap the mind around that concept they would land more contracts.


Cimex Pricing

September 28 2005, 2:31 PM 

Thanks Rambo. I'm learning


Current Topic - Cimex Pricing
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