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Polyester Couch

September 29 2005 at 6:50 PM

My largest commercial customer has asked me to do two couches when I Cimex the ballroom next week. The couch is polyester one has what looks like a water spot on it (probably a drink it's in an upscale martini bar area). I tried encapping a couch last week that had water marks and browning and encapping didn't touch that but I used stain magic let it sit and reapplied and gone.
However they were going to recover this couch anyway so I had nothing to lose.
Also that was off white (Not 100% polyester. The one I'm doing is a dark bright,satin like pink (?). Any suggestions to try would be appreciated.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Polyester Couch

September 29 2005, 7:15 PM 

You say it's satin? That's kind of on the edge. We've had trouble with commercial "satin" type upholstery materials. Satin kind of makes me think of "Satan".

In fact cleaning satin fabric can be a problematic experience using any method. Encapping it might work. If you decide to do it, I'd suggest wetting it lightly and very evenly. Add alcohol to the detergent to speed up the drying. Towel it off well afterward. And hope for the best.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 29, 2005 7:16 PM


100% Polyester

September 29 2005, 7:27 PM 

It says it 100% polyester but has a satin like shine to it. Not satin though


Re: 100% Polyester

September 30 2005, 4:33 PM 

I'm not sure what methods you have available to you. Polyester responds very well to HWE cleaning. That should remove the water marks from the spill as well as over all cleaning.

If you encap, enough foam to provide lubrication is important. You don't want to catch any floaters if it is satin. Sounds to me like it might be parchute cloth.

Scott Warrington

Scott Warrington
Tech support Bridgepoint & Interlink Supply

Gary R. Heacock

Re: 100% Polyester

October 1 2005, 8:20 PM 

I Think Scott has it- sounds like parachute cloth to me too. This is made of several materials, nylon, acrylic and polyester, plus some blends.

Anyway, my suggestion is to spray on the encap formula, agitate with a soft brush such as a horsehair brush, or bassine, then towel it off.

Don't apply so much it needs an extraction with this system.

While the sofa might be satin, that is pretty delicate, and in a commercial setting my guess is it would be too delicate for the situation, and not really likely, but I cannot see it from here.

Satin has long float threads, and is easily snagged, but parachute cloth is a crossweave that is fairly tight, and fairly rugged, even though it is thin.


Current Topic - Polyester Couch
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