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OP vs Cimex

October 4 2005 at 8:26 AM
Ted Belden  

I'm trying to decide between purchasing a Cimex machine or a 20" OP with pressure fed sprayer. I would appreciate any comparative experiences that you might have.


Re: OP vs Cimex

October 4 2005, 8:47 AM 

Cimex is faster. built like a tank,and no stinkin pads to wash. I own both but one is collecting dust.

Gary R. Heacock

Cimex vs OP

October 4 2005, 3:06 PM 

They are diferent machines for different purposes, and it is my opinion you need both in order to cover more situations.

My suggestion is to start with the Cimex, then when needed, as needed, add another machine.

Like Rambo sez above, the Cimex is a lot faster, but difficult to maneuver in some residential situations. The OP machine- and I would recommend a 17 inch over a 20 inch for residential jobs.

Another point about residential jobs- the Cimex is heavy and hard to go up and down stairs. Say you have a house like mine to clean, with 12 steps up to the front door, clean the main floor, then an upstairs plus a basement to clean, that's a lot of steps to deal with, and to further complicate the problem, the steps going up to the second floor have a 180 degree turn in them, which would really be tough to maneuver the Cimex up them, but carrying a OP machine would be easy.

A standard 17 inch rotary shampooer perhaps might be better for a second machine instead of an OP, but that's a matter of opinion, so look into both.



Re: OP vs Cimex

October 4 2005, 4:16 PM 

I would imagine you are talking about the cimex v.s. the brute.There are guys who own both they can be found on the ICS board or at believe it would be good to hear from those who own BOTH of the machines in question.


Stephen Dobson

Re: OP vs Cimex

October 4 2005, 7:19 PM 

I would want BOTH in my arsenal. They are both tools.. and have some different uses.
Personally for me, I substitute a 2 speed rotary for the OP.
But I do think that the OP has a better cleaning motion. But from a long time rotary user, it comes at the expense , IMO< of comfort and speed. I dont worry about the speed,, but the OP is very very uncomfie for me. I prefer the 'swinging' motion. But thats a preference. You have yours and I have mine. It doesnt make it right or wrong.

I would buy a Cimex first. And never forget to soon there after budget for an OP or a good rotary. Doesnt have to be a 2 speed, or new, either.
Rotaries last forever with a little TLC.. same goes for the Cimex..

so it's not a matter of which one to get,, rather, which one to get first.

If you have small accounts.. a rotary first. If you have lots of bigger accounts, or will, then go with the CIMex from the start. It is a very versatile TOOL and you will never be sorry for owning that machine. YOu will love it.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Re: OP vs Cimex

October 4 2005, 10:01 PM 

follow up the cimex with a op
I have and use both
They do different things in different situations
Your question is to general

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care

This message has been edited by sfrasier on Oct 4, 2005 10:03 PM

Current Topic - OP vs Cimex
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