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How to make Releasit Bomb on the Nasties!

October 4 2005 at 8:54 PM

Just hire the guy I fired today. I have posted several times that I preferred another product over Releasit for the really dirty carpets. For sometime now my part-timer was stealing from me. He was pretty sharp, what he was doing was pouring out a half gallon of the many different products we use and put the plug back in after he added water to re-fill the gallons. He was off these past two weeks and I had gotten another order in from Rick. I used it on one of my contracts (was out of the other) and went back the next day to check on it because I still didn't believe it would clean as well as the other product. Boy was I in for a shock! The carpet was cleaner than I had ever seen it. I was telling my other part-timer about it and he said he knew about it for a week now and was trying to figure out how to tell me. I don't know if I would have found out on my own. I can honestly say now that Releasit cleans like crazy, even the "nasties". Sorry Rick, I just didn't know what was going on here. I was beginning to think these other guys who were saying how great Releasit was, were just uninformed. My apologies to them also.


Re: How to make Releasit Bomb on the Nasties!

October 4 2005, 8:59 PM 

yea i'm slow. explain to me what he was doing with the other half-a-gallon of all your chems, throwing it out? keeping it for his own sidejobs? diluting it to save you money (so he figured)?

anyways, glad you're happier with the results now...guess your not an FF'er lover anymore?

thanx --- Derek.


Re: How to make Releasit Bomb on the Nasties!

October 4 2005, 9:13 PM 

Derek, he was using it to build up his own cleaning stock. (Scumbag) I am not writing off being a FFer yet.


Rick Gelinas

Re: How to make Releasit Bomb on the Nasties!

October 4 2005, 10:14 PM 

Glad to hear that you got to the bottom of that. I've gotta admit that you did have me a little bit puzzled Ray. But I figured I'd just chalk it up to what I said earlier - a differing of opinions. Sorry to hear about your technician. But I'm relieved to hear that you got it figured out.

Rick Gelinas


Patrick Matte

Re: How to make Releasit Bomb on the Nasties!

October 5 2005, 10:44 AM 

Man what a skidmark!I'd say if he had anything that resembled a check coming to him,deduct the costs of evry single gallon,since he has ruined each one,from his check.I might even consider pressing charges against him.

Current Topic - How to make Releasit Bomb on the Nasties!
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS