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October 5 2005 at 1:22 AM

I wonder why I get to quote on these jobs???

Another carpet cleaner recommended the new owners to me.

Approximately 2,000 square feet of pure wool carpet.

I am looking at $1,210 in my quote if I go ahead.

It does not have traffic lanes, more like major freeways, caked solid with a black substance.

Job cannot be started until 10:30 pm, but any night of the week. LOL

Carpet has already split at the seams which I would attribute to:

Possibly high sugar content in carpet.

Previous cleaner overwetting carpet to try and get it clean.

Being left to wet.

I am not really keen to use my t/m due to the above obvious reasons, and not wishing to be taken to court for possible shrinkage of the carpet.

I have not tried anything this bad with Big Yella, would it be appropriate, or should I rely on t/m and Rex??

My other alternative is to pass this job up, I really don't need it.

Would be really interested to hear the views from the more experienced people that regularly clean restaurants that are in this condition.



George Mavridis


October 5 2005, 3:58 AM 

Shorty....if you really don't want it refer them to the $10 a room guys!!



Rick Gelinas


October 5 2005, 7:21 AM 

As I see it Shorty... the only thing redeemable about a carpet in this condition is that you quoted it on the high side... "Approximately 2,000 square feet of pure wool carpet. I am looking at $1,210 in my quote if I go ahead."

You could pre-scrub the carpet with your Cimex using Encap-Punch mixed strong with HOT water (or use another product of your liking). Then rinse with your truckmount and your RX20. Here was an interesting post by Tom Workman a while back relating to restaurant cleaning using Encap-Punch…

All that being said; there are times that it’s worth it to just walk away from a job, and this may be one of those times. Some guys can’t resist a challenge, I’m often one of those types myself. So I guess it’s ultimately up to you to make that call Shorty. Let us know how it turns out if you decide to do it.

Rick Gelinas



October 5 2005, 7:36 AM 

Thanks for that Rick.

I just wanted to re-assure myself I am doing the right thing.

I am not going ahead with this one.

I would not be able to start until 10:30 pm.....I don't need that no more, at my tender age.

That would mean two long days, I don't need that either.

Applying hot water is going to test the seams too much.

I don't need the hassle of trying to explain to someone who suddenly does not understand a lot of Engrish. (Sorry General).

Using the truck mount and rotary, is going to take to long, and then I still have to go over it with the Big Yella.


I would also have to contend with a sleepy, cranky, trouble 'n strife moving furniture and vacuuming,'s definately out.

I just happen to know a couple of guys that will jump at this opprtunity. LOL.




Rick Gelinas


October 5 2005, 7:40 AM 

You're a wise young man Shorty

Rick Gelinas

Gary R. Heacock


October 5 2005, 4:51 PM 

If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well.

Some things are simply not worth doing.

My suggestion is to tell them to replace the carpet, and let you maintain them on a regular FREQUENT basis, so the carpet does not get into this kind of condition.

If they don't like that idea, forget them.


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