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Water Line (Rick)

October 15 2005 at 12:48 PM

I cleaned a daycare hallway with a water line down it. I did the multiple passes and then hit with 50/50 Releasit but it came back.
Do you recommend going back and applying a Tannin Spot remover and then post padding (should I HWE rinse the tannin before post padding?) as you advised on your latest Water post, or adding Citric Acid Powder 1 capful to 3 gallons releasit as I saw in an earlier post?
If I use the tannin spot remover it will require quite a bit as it's quite a distance down the hall. But this is a pretty good account so I want to do what is best,safest and highest odds of fixing the problem


Rick Gelinas

Re: Water Line (Rick)

October 16 2005, 8:04 AM 

I've had good success getting rid of the brownish water line by using Citric Acid Powder mixed at 1 capful to 3 gallons Releasit. And then just scrub a BUNCH of dry passes along the line. Keeping it as dry as possible with plenty of scrubbing agitation is what's needed. The acidic detergent will eliminate the browning condition. I feel this will be the best approach for what you're describing.

Rick Gelinas

Joe M

When to buy Citric Acid Powder

October 16 2005, 9:21 AM 

Where can I get this stuff.


Where to get it

October 16 2005, 12:22 PM 

Jon don sells it for $6.72. Just type in Citric Acid and it comes up.


Re: Where to get it

October 16 2005, 8:10 PM 

why not just run over the area with a dry bonnett or cotton pad after spraying an anti-wicking solution ?

Raf, taking a journey into the Tile and Grout side of cleaning...


Re: Where to get it

October 17 2005, 2:09 PM 

Bridgepoint and Interlink Supply also sell citric acid. The product is # CR20A. Suggested list price is $16.42 for 2 pound container (about the size of a quart).

Scott Warrington
Tech support Bridgepoint & Interlink Supply

Mark Anthony

3 Gallons???

October 21 2005, 10:47 PM 


Is that three gallons of RTU Releasit or three gallons full strength?

Thanx :~}

Afterglow Services
Commercial & Residential Carpet Care

Current Topic - Water Line (Rick)
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS