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No Respect !!

October 20 2005 at 7:14 AM

Do any of you guys find that most customers give us no respect at all.. Until they want something. I have several
customers who I call on twice a year and I remind them when its time for there cleaning. I call leave a message. no one ever calls back. I call again and I usually get I'm busy (what the hell do you want voice) I can't talk now
I'll call you back. After several weeks they call me and there whole demeaner changes. Hi its great to hear from you. Lets book the cleaning. Of course they want it done yesterday. Sometimes it's so hard just to bite my tongue. Respect is a two way street. But I guess not in the cleaning business. JUST VENTING


Pete Hagar

Re: No Respect !!

October 20 2005, 8:37 AM 

Some customers will many won't. Always give it and don't expect it, just expect a check. Move on to the next custy and be sure you have thick skin.

The worse somebody treats me the higher their price is, so it usually works out in my mind anyway.


Bill Grafton

No Respect !!

October 20 2005, 10:27 AM 

I use to feel that way until a friend of mine pointed out that I should realize one thing. The customer hired you to do a job and then paid you for it. They owe you nothing more. Any future business from them only exists because you did a good job and they prefer to hire you again over the competition. Be greatful !! I now never call to ask for more business only to confirm that they were happy with the work I did.


Stephen Dobson

Re: No Respect !!

October 20 2005, 11:37 AM 

if anything,, I would send a written card informing them that its time to schedule a cleaning. And I ask them at the time of cleaning if they want me to send a reminder.. if they want a maintenance plan option, etc.

I never call other than a post cleaning' checkup.

I find it hassling the customer.. and it putting a little smear' on the services that I performed.

people dont want to be bothered.
Send it via mail. They will call when they are ready.

If you have plenty of other customers and do great work, , it wont be a problem. You will have plenty to do until they DO call and you can then schedule and work them in.

Be well.


Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Re: No Respect !!

October 20 2005, 12:12 PM 

My service station don't call when they think I need an oil change, they put the sticker on to remind me, its up to me top call them.
I hate people calling me to sell me anything, service, parts, chems.

as for respect. I give them back exactly the same they give me. We are all just people earning a living, no better, no worse than anyone else. Some get lots back, some get treated as *******s, same as they treat me.



Re: No Respect !!

October 20 2005, 12:40 PM 

I find that if I treat people with respect they in return treat me with respect. If someone disrespects me and I in return respect them, they will change there mind very fast.

Greg Loe

Re: No Respect !!

October 20 2005, 2:43 PM 

I like Peter's answer. Your mean, I charge more. If it get too personal, I don't take their crap and walk away. I'm a super nice guy and it's hard to make me mad.


Re: No Respect !!

October 20 2005, 5:10 PM 

I ask them at there last cleaning if I can send them post card in a year or call them on the 11th month. Most say yes, or please call, so I note this on their invoice. Some even schedule a year in advance if it around the holidays.

IMO, calling customers uninvited is rude and you get what you deserve. If they call you, you should be happy about it. Venting or not

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care


A Lot of Good answers

October 20 2005, 8:31 PM 

When you are invited to a customers home to clean carpet, you are not a quest in that home, you are a servant. You are there to "serve" period. Also remember that you need to keep in contact w/ the customer and turn them into "clients", we do that w/ postcard reminders, hey it works for us.

Gary Mackay

Re: A Lot of Good answers

October 21 2005, 1:48 AM 

Nobody respects or trusts a salesman!

Best feed back I have rec'd over the years is that I don't push.

Gary R. Heacock

Postcard reminders

October 21 2005, 1:44 PM 

That's what worked for me for the last 20 years or so.

No hassle, they toss them if not interested, or call me if they are.

Every month, I would send out about 50, and that usually brought in 10 or so.

For me, postcards were easy and took very little time, less than phoning 50 people.


Current Topic - No Respect !!
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