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Cimex off-balance?

October 20 2005 at 7:02 PM

Today my Cimex pulls to the left constantly.
One the pads becomes more worn than the other two.
I wonder why?

Stan Kowalski

Try this

October 20 2005, 8:38 PM 

Ron, I have not had the pulling to one side issue, but I recently had one of the pads wearing unevenly and getting ragged before it's time. I tried everything from flipping the pads to cleaning the little tubes. The condition continued. I also noticed that the pads just didn't hang on to the drive blocks like they used to. The solution for me was to clean out all the spaces between those little prickely things on each drive block with a pair of needle nose pliers. It took about twenty minutes (of course I was on a big job). But it cured the problem. It is now a part of my regular maintenance. The pads wear perfectly once again. Hope this helps. Worth a try.


Re: Try this

October 20 2005, 9:11 PM 

A great answer and it works.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Try this

October 20 2005, 9:51 PM 

There are just two possibilities that will cause the Cimex to be off balance or wear pads unevenly. The motor and drive assembly can't be off balance, it's not possible. Because if the drive assembly was not concentric, the belt would fall off.

So here are the only two possibilites...

1) As mentioned above, if the drivers get gunked up, just clean 'em out and you'll be back in business.

2) If solution flow gets restricted to one or more of the drivers, the pads will wear unevenly. It's important to clean out the plumbing on a regular routine basis. Here are the instructions for cleaning out the plumbing so that your Cimex will maintain even flow to all three heads

These are two simple maintenance steps. The machines aren't that complicated, so it's generally very simple to diagnose and care for anything that may be needed to keep the machine running perfectly. Just a little practical maintenance is all it takes to keep her humming for you.

Rick Gelinas

Bo Newman

Re: Try this

October 21 2005, 7:06 AM 

To clean off your pad holders, use a wire brush. It will cut the job down from 20 minutes to about 5. Unless you're overly aggressive it won't hurt the bristles that hold the pads.

Current Topic - Cimex off-balance?
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