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My Philosophy...

October 20 2005 at 9:10 PM

I am often asked by my friends, When are you going to retire? My answer; No intention at this time after all it is not Biblical. My Philosophy " Life isn't a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming-WOW- What a Ride!!"


Patrick Matte

Re: My Philosophy...

October 21 2005, 8:55 AM 

"The point of the journey is not to arrive"-N.P.


Re: My Philosophy...

October 21 2005, 11:09 AM 

Man it seems that I agree with Rambo more and more.How annoying!!LOL Seriously though I am with you about retirement,even though I am light years away I think I will always be busy.I have yet to see where anyone in the Word retired!

Gary R. Heacock

Re: My Philosophy...

October 21 2005, 1:39 PM 

Speaking as "A Retired Person", I gotta agree with Rambo.

One of the beauties of being self employed is you can retire when you are ready and you feel like it. The age does not matter, nobody says ya gotta at any specific age, or so many years on the job.

I was 70 years old, and finally my son was ready to take over my business, and we agreed it was time.

So far, I like retirement.



my wife's grandpa

October 21 2005, 2:15 PM 

his saying was always, "better to wear out than rust out". i try and live up to that. he was far more motivated a fella than i.

thanx --- Derek.

Kevin Jones

Re: my wife's grandpa

October 21 2005, 7:21 PM 

I'm impressed (seriously) with these philosophies. I think they are pretty darn good. My dad, who is 83 and a retired doctor, used to say that "just cause he was a doctor made him no better than anyone else. If the ditchdigger didn't dig the ditch, it wouldn't get done. Besides", he says, "everybody puts their pants on the same way, some people just put the left leg in first and some the right". I've always tried to apply that philosophy. It doesn't always fare well in business, though. Sometimes when you have a jerk that thinks he better than everybody else 'cause he makes $250,000 a year, it's best to just keep your mouth shut than tell him to stick it. I'm learnin'....slowly, but surely when to shut up and when to say what needs to be said.


My Dad

October 22 2005, 6:18 AM 

My father passed away last year at 74. I still can't believe he's gone. He always used to say to me If you ever have to put a diaper on me you know its time (take me out) Ive had a good life. Enjoy yourself. Do what you have to do. Take care of your family. It goes by fast buddy. I'll never forget him. He really did live life to the fullest.


Kevin Jones


October 22 2005, 7:43 AM 

I'm sorry to hear that. My dad and I have really gotten close in the past 10 or 12 years. He really is my best friend as far as males go(my wife's my other one ) If he doesn't out live me, I know I will suffer a great loss. I'm sincerely sorry for your loss.

Tom Workman

Keep working-Keep Living

October 22 2005, 9:41 AM 

A new study shows that those who retire early die early. This just confirms something I've thought all a long. Ever hear of the guy thatworks till 70 then retires and dies a year later? Its planned obselesence. Working keeps the boby and mind active and feeling useful.

I plan on working till the day I die but will probably cut down the amount of work and will spend more of my time with being a professional gigalo and less cleaning carpet.

Tom Workman
Floor Cleaning Experts


Re: Keep working-Keep Living

October 22 2005, 8:52 PM 

I have cut it back to 4 half days a week now. That is Monday thru Thursday from 8A.M. to 8P.M. There are 24 hours in a day and a half of that is 12 hours or a "half day" That gives me 48 hours a week, that seems to work real well for me. I am spending more time in the North Georgia mountains and at my lake home in Lavonia. Don't you just love America?


Thanks Kevin

October 23 2005, 9:13 AM 

Kevin, Thanks for the kind words. My Dad was also my best
friend. I could talk to him about anything. Cherish the time with your Father and good luck with your business. Take care.


David Hebert

Re: Thanks Kevin

October 23 2005, 9:52 AM 

I have no plans to ever retire. It seems like a great waste of resources to do that
scale back a bit more yes.

I think the key is to pace your self and not swing from working all the time to not working at all, it just messes with the body and mind

have physical limitations due to a very bad accident and still work even though I was told
it would be almost impossible for me to work again. AH what to doctors know.

After tying to get back working again I learned that by pacing my self and my schedule I could work again with out being in so much pain I’d need to pop pills to keep from screaming.

Life is not a race but a journey enjoy it take time to see the sights along the way.

Kevin Jones

I figure

October 23 2005, 4:53 PM 

I'll pass from this world either pushing a wand or a Cimex. No retirement here.

Current Topic - My Philosophy...
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