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Water Leak (Browning)

October 23 2005 at 12:45 PM

Cleaned a Pre School 1st floor that had had a water leak. Water lines all over the carpet and one room had major browning. I used the Citrus Acid added to the releasit and what a great job!! I sent some pics to Rick but they don't do this place justice. Customer signed up for bi monthly cleaning for the two Pre schools she owns and was thrilled with the outcome of the carpet. Thanks for the tip Rick!!


Re: Water Leak (Browning)

October 23 2005, 8:32 PM 

Rick Lord would you mine sharring with us how you mixed the citric acid with the Releasit.


mix of citric acid

October 23 2005, 10:24 PM 

1 capful to 3 gallons is the recommended amount but I went a little light a little over two thirds per 3 gallons. Maybe Rick will post the pics (I couldn't fiquer out how) but there was major browning in the second room and this took care of it right away.


Followup Visit

October 24 2005, 1:22 PM 

Just dropped by the custy site and it still looked great 48 hrs later plus I dried with an airmover Sat morn.


Rick Gelinas

Rich's Pictures

October 24 2005, 3:59 PM 

Here are the photos of Richard's job. Sweet! Glad to see that the Cimex/Releasit/Citric Acid did the trick for ya. Good job Rich

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Water Leak (Browning)
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS