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update on janitorial spotting nightmare job

October 23 2005 at 4:20 PM
Tom Rowe 

Here's a few pics of the job. Lot's of ugly black spots. We just used Hog Hair pads, and Steamway's M&B.
No special pretreating, or anything like that. We just cleaned as normal. We did have to pay extra attention to the nasty black spots, bur they all came out fine.
No I wanna see how it looks in a few weeks...

Hopefully it will be fine. I told the custy that it is possible any remaining residue could attract more soil,...and if that happens just to let me know and I'll come back and hit the bad spots again if necessary.

This message has been edited by TomRowe on Oct 23, 2005 4:25 PM


Great Job

October 23 2005, 5:10 PM 

Great job Tom!! Looks perfect.


Re: update on janitorial spotting nightmare job

October 23 2005, 8:36 PM 

I haven't used any Mist and Brush in several years, I was not sure they were still making it. It worked fine when I was using it. Thanks Tom, great looking results.

Tom Rowe

Re: update on janitorial spotting nightmare job

October 26 2005, 2:02 PM 

We cleaned the carpet Sunday. Tuesday morning they call and tell me that some of the spots came back.

I ran by there to look at them. Looks to me like all the spots came back. However they are very light, and look kinda yellowish, brown. I'm think'in we have a ph issue here. The spots are not real noticable in some areas, and really noticable in other areas.

I'm going back Thursday afternoon to see what I can do.

I learned this morning that the janitorial people used Simple Green on the spots. So now I have Encapped Simple Green in the carpet and resulting in light brown, or yellow spots,...a vast improvement, but not acceptable.

My plan "was" to use a GLS and lightly mist and encap the supposed returned spots. But now that I've seen them I'm think'in I need to spray an acid side browning, or yellowing treatment. (I did'nt have time or access to test the ph).

I'm gonna spray some acid side products on a couple spots and see if that corrects the problem. If it does'nt I'm gonna go with the GLS and see what happens with that. I'm sure the GLS will clean the spots up since the spots looked great after cimexing them Sunday. I may just need to get them dry as fast as possible, hence the choice to use the GLS this time.

At this point I'm not sure if it's a ph problem,...or a wicking problem. I'll be prepared for both senarios and see if I can Rectumfy the situation Thursday.

any other ideas?



Re: update on janitorial spotting nightmare job

November 4 2005, 11:09 PM 

just saw this thread Tom.

how'd it turn out for you?

take care --- Derek

Tom Rowe

Re: update on janitorial spotting nightmare job

November 7 2005, 8:04 AM 

Sounds like it turned out ok. The spots kept returning right infront of my eyes(cleaned them twice). So I cleaned them one final(third) time and quickly sprayed some ARA on each spot. I told the custy that I had it wet enough now that we would have to wait til the following morning to know what we really had. (did'nt feel like standing there waiting a couple hours for it to dry)

Next morning I was told it looked great.

A week later they called, and asked me to come and spot clean another building next to the first nightmare. Did that one last Thrusday. Have'nt heard anything on that one yet. No news is good news.

This message has been edited by TomRowe on Nov 7, 2005 8:05 AM

Current Topic - update on janitorial spotting nightmare job
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