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24 HR trucker resturant - HWE or Cimex??

October 23 2005 at 6:23 PM

Every 2 months I clean this 24 hour breakfast trucker's resturant.
Lots of grease in the dining room carpet.
Normally I HWE using a RX-20 to my truckmount. Looks great after.
I would like to use the Cimex with the (Gray) Fibre Plus Max pads this time.
Will this work or should I stick to HWE for this type of commercial glued down carpet?


Kevin Jones

Re: 24 HR trucker resturant - HWE or Cimex??

October 23 2005, 7:27 PM 

I have found success using the Cimex with Releasit on the outer boundaries and hwe on the worst traffic lanes in a seafood restaurant I do.


Stephen Dobson

Re: 24 HR trucker resturant - HWE or Cimex??

October 23 2005, 9:21 PM 

Like Kevin above referred to.. you may try a combo of the methods.

In the lighter areas, give encap a shot.
In the greasy areas, and heavily soiled Traffic lanes, I would stick to HWE'ing,, and post padding if you have the tools.

Greasy,, was the key word you stateda above.
there is a place for encapsulation,, and a place not for it.

The object is to know when and where to use each tool in your box.
Give both a shot and see how it goes. I do it with success each week. I have many many jobs that employ both methods on one jobsite.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Rick Gelinas

Re: 24 HR trucker resturant - HWE or Cimex??

October 23 2005, 10:46 PM 

The Cimex and Releasit can do the trick. Use hot water. Mix the Releasit DS at 6 oz per gallon. Make extra scrubbing passes. Take a little extra time. And bring your digital camera. If the carpet is within reason, you can quite likely pull this job off nicely with the Cimex & Releasit. Give it a shot. You can always go for the HWE standby if you see that it's needed (but I've got a hunch that you may not need it)

Rick Gelinas

Tom Workman

Resturant Grease

October 24 2005, 9:13 AM 

I have a greasy resturaunt that I've HWE'd and then Encaped. The Encap didn't get as good of results in the bad spots as HWE. But bonneting with Encap Punch should improve the results without the added setup and dry time of HWE I'm going to try this next go around and will post my results.

Tom Workman
Floor Cleaning Experts

Mark Hart

Re: Resturant Grease

October 26 2005, 9:06 PM 

I clean a dining room in an assist living facility. The previous time I cleaned, I used Cimex/Releasit without HWE. This time I HWE'd the area coming from the kithen. At the very least they came out the same. If I had to choose, based on a faulty memory of the the previous clean several months ago, I think Cimex/Releasit won. IMHO. So I agree with Rick, try it, you can always extract if you're not happy.

Current Topic - 24 HR trucker resturant - HWE or Cimex??
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS