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Wilma missed us

October 24 2005 at 9:22 AM

Rick Gelinas  

We've been very fortunate in the Tampa Bay area. It's like there's a giant force field around the Tampa Bay area or something. It seems that the hurricanes just keep missing us. Well I sure hope this trend continues. We've had tropical storm force winds from Wilma but nothing too serious where we are. No power outages or anything, it's business as usual in St Petersburg. But man the weather patterns sure seem to be out of whack! It's 60 degrees outside this morning, yet there's a hurricane just to the south of us. Although the Tampa Bay area has dodged another one, our thoughts and prayers are with those to the south of us and in Mexico too.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Oct 24, 2005 11:18 AM
This message has been edited by cimex on Oct 24, 2005 9:22 AM


Re: Wilma missed us

October 24 2005, 10:25 AM 

May the "Force be with you"

David Gelinas


October 24 2005, 8:48 PM 

We were without power for a large part of the day. Or I should say we were without power for half of our house. One of the legs at the transformer out on the poll burnt off so we were only able to heat up one side of the panel. A little inconvenient, yes; but nothing like to the south. We have been very fortunate. I spoke to a friend, actually Mark Hart, down in the Ft Myers area just a second ago. They are without power and will continue to be for about a day or two. Friends in the area suffered typical wind damage. They lost carports and screened in rooms; one family had a Florida room ripped off their trailer and it did a little damage to the roof but all in all they all made out OK in that area.

Sure has seemed to have been a huge increase in sever weather over the last year or so; makes ya kind think.

David Gelinas


Stephen Dobson

Re: Actually

October 24 2005, 11:39 PM 

and it supposed to get worse each coming year for x amount of years.

They said that last year,, and this year certainly lived to fit the bill' hey?
OUCH for Florida and the south.

And they were good to Florida.. it was the Northern Gulf that took the major hits this year.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

Bo Newman

Re: Actually

October 25 2005, 1:19 AM 

Yeah, but don't think that it's because of global warming. It's just the cycle of things. There's a professor at Colorado State U., I think his name is Gray, who's famous for his predictions of hurricanes. Back in May he said we would have a record number of hurricanes this year. He also said it had nothing to do with global warming.
Hey, I'm glad I don't live in hurricane alley.
Here we just worry about avalances. And wooly mammoths. You got to watch out for wooly mammoths. And snow leopards. They blend right in with the snow and you can't see them. We have snow year around. It hardly ever gets above 40 degrees here in Colorado Springs.
You think I'm kidding - well, that's what some of my eastern friends think we have and I wouldn't call them liars.
Sorry - I got carried away. My sympathies to all who lost everything to the latest storm.


Rick Gelinas

Wilma Aerial View

October 26 2005, 3:18 PM 

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Oct 26, 2005 3:20 PM

Mark Hart

Re: Wilma Aerial View

October 26 2005, 8:59 PM 

Well, here in Ft. Myers Wilma did pay a visit. The eye passed about 35 miles south of here and we did get hurricane force winds. Frankly, after boarding up the house I slept through the whole thing. If I'm gonna die I might as well not know it. As it is we just lost a couple of shingles and a section of fence was blown over knocking the a/c unit to the side a few feet. We are still without power. On the up side, our one month old pool cage (compliments of "Charley") stood firm. And, our spring training complex sprung a whole lot of leaks and now I'm doing water damage. This is good since this weeks work schedule is shot. What do you think, Microban mixed with tea tree extract as a disinfectant-deodorizer?


Rick Gelinas

Re: Wilma Aerial View

October 26 2005, 9:27 PM 

Hey Mark,

I'm GLAD to hear that you're alright.

Nancy and I have been worried about you.

I called Monday morning and your wife said you were sleeping.
Sleeping through a hurricane, that's pretty good.

My youngest brother lives in Miami and he called this evening and said they've just gotten the power turned back on. He's sittin down watchin TV (satelite dish). Not bad for 2 days following a Cat 3.

Hang in there Mark. If we can assist in any way please let us know (I mean it).

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Wilma missed us
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