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Questions from a New guy

October 27 2005 at 2:52 PM

Hi, I was on the web searching for pads for my Cimex and happend to this site. I have just bought a business that uses the encap process (the only one of its kind here in Massachusetts, I think) The gentleman i bought it from has worked in the buiz for some time and decided to start his own compoany. He found the Cimex online and decided to give the process a try. Well he moved and sold it to me. I have been reading on this site about RELEASIT and wonder if i have the equivilant chemicals, the gent used "Atomic" for the tank and a powder prespray (2oz to gallon) It works quite well but im wondering if i am missing out on better chemicals or if what i am using is just as good. Also, I have been using red pads for commercial carpets and am wondering what is the equivilant of those pads on this site. Any info would be greatly appreciated,



Sorry Matt

October 27 2005, 3:59 PM 

Hi, Matt

You were probably told you are the first to encap from Mass, but there are many of us...sorry. Good luck with your cimex. IMO releasit is the only chem I would use.




October 27 2005, 4:34 PM 

I have only used releasit in my Cimex even though people tell me I've got to try other products.
1.Support you receive from Excellent Supply and all the
tips/trick they know to do a superior job.
2.Ease of use serves as spotter and detergent so it
cuts down on the "time to clean"
3.Does an excellent job leaves the carpets looking great
4.I have received several referals and all my
commercial customers have signed up for maintenace
programs because of the look of their carpet and the
lack of wicking that has been a problem with other
cleaners. Why experiment!!!
Just my two cents



October 27 2005, 4:34 PM 

I have only used releasit in my Cimex even though people tell me I've got to try other products.
1.Support you receive from Excellent Supply and all the
tips/trick they know to do a superior job.
2.Ease of use serves as spotter and detergent so it
cuts down on the "time to clean"
3.Does an excellent job leaves the carpets looking great
4.I have received several referals and all my
commercial customers have signed up for maintenace
programs because of the look of their carpet and the
lack of wicking that has been a problem with other
cleaners. Why would I experiment!!!
Just my two cents


Guys with...

October 27 2005, 7:42 PM 

First names like Rick, seem to be extra smart.


Stephen Dobson

Re: Questions from a New guy

October 28 2005, 2:06 AM 

Matt. best thing you can do is just call Rick up and have a chat with him.

He will be upfront and honest.

he is a big help to all of us and has got many of us on the path to doing it right.

Call him.. or call me. Never a problem to talk with other cleaners

812 849 0367

Steve Dobson

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services

David Hebert

Re: Questions from a New guy

October 28 2005, 8:11 AM 

The person who told you, that you were the only guy in MA

I live in MA and have been encaping for a while now along with several others I know. While we do not use a Cimex I know a few who do and love the machine.
I would sugest using a less agressive pad for your machine. Rick sells pads for the Cimex and I know most everyone has been happy with them. You could also use biege pads, or white ones and be safe.

As far as chemicals I have use Atomic and Release it. Both will do a good job, but I like Releasit better for a few reasons.
1. Releasit foams better so you can see where you have been and how much you are putting down better.

2. Because of #1 I use less Releasit.

3. liquid mixes better then Powder when you need to mix up a batch in a hurry.

4. Rick will give you better support then Magic Wand will

Matt p

Thank you

October 30 2005, 1:55 PM 

Thanks for the answers, they will help me out alot. The gentleman i bought the business from hasnt been to forthcoming with many things, and i fear i may have been very mislead as to things such as the ability of the system and what not. Reading your responses and information on this site has made me feel much more at ease an comfortable that i have a good system for carpet cleaning.

My next question is if you are using an encap. system what other machines do u use if u are not using a cimex? Is it a similar machine or is there another process out there i have yet to discover?

Thanx again,


Clay Carson

Re: Thank you

October 31 2005, 7:36 AM 

Hey Matt!

Last time I checked, I'm in Massachusetts, too. Arlington to be precise.

I know around here I'm not the only company that uses encap. We still use HWE when appropriate, but not that often. Encap is just too compelling. Plus, it's kinda fun. Y'know, like a guilty pleasure.

Maybe the gent you are buying from did not KNOW anyone else in Mass who is using the system. See, I'm being charitable to him.

On the other hand, you know him better, maybe you should trust your instincts if he does not seem forthright. I once bought a company where the lady owner overestimated her sales pretty significantly. The only reason I was OK with it was that since she could not document it well (paperwork nightmare), the offering price was so low that it did not matter. I ended up selling the business to one of my employees later for a profit, so that worked fine.
"Forthright" is important in buying a business. So politely insist that he verify what he claims. Unsupported claims are nice wishes - but don't pay for them.

Encap is kinda durable - you can use a rotary with brush, a Cimex, a GLS/Lomac (we use that, too) and a bonnet (recently used with good results)and all methods will work to some extent, but Cimex kicks posterior for heavily soiled carpet.

If Cimex does not work, it is likely time to buy new carpet, in plain English.

Current Topic - Questions from a New guy
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS