Let me start by sharing a little slogan that we have joked about in our company since back in the day when we used to clean a chain of putrid family shoe stores that weren't fit for barnyard animals. The stores were sooo nasty, that we used to joke that we were going to change our slogan to... "we care as much about your business as you do". What this meant was... if you care so little about your business that you let it become a toilet, then we can care as little about it too. Then on the other hand, if you're at all interested in taking care of your business, we can share that same level of interest by providing a quality service. Well we never actually adopted that slogan, but it made us feel better to say it amongst ourselves whenever we had to service one of these dumpster carpets
Now getting to your carpet. Yours is a story of ABUSE! Neglected CGD (commercial glue down) carpet can become impossible to clean. Here's the problem that develops when a CGD is neglected.
1. The loops of fiber get crushed and compacted with normal wear.
2. Dirt builds up at the base of the carpet beneath the compacted loops.
3. If the carpet is not maintained, dirt becomes trapped in the area beneath the compacted loops.
It comes down to this:
There's absolutely no way in the world to eliminate the build-up of crud at the base of the tufts of fiber. Those compacted nubs can permanently trap the soil and there's no way to get it out. A Pile Lifter won't touch it, a Steamin Demon at 3-4 gallons of water per minute can't flush it all out, a fire breathing truckmount isn't able to correct the problem, NOTHING will fix the problem entirely. The condition can be improved only moderately at best, but the condition will persist and continue to present a problem.
However the Cimex and Releasit can work relative wonders on this type of PROBLEM CGD carpet. This is why encap is so successful in the commercial sector. Here's the formula to follow on a problem CGD carpet:
1) Pre-Vacuum SLOWLY with a good commercial vacuum - north-south east-west.
2) Mix the Encap-Clean DS with HOT water at 4 oz per gallon.
3) Mix a traffic lane Pre-Spray using Encap-Clean DS at 6 oz per gallon. Or use Encap-Punch as a Pre-Spray according to the label. Spray the worst areas and allow a few minutes of dwell time.
4) Apply the gray colored FiberPlus Max pads to your Cimex.
5) Scrub SLOWLY (really take your time). Carefully AVOID over-wetting the carpet!
Make 1 wet pass followed by 2 or 3 SLOW dry passes.
6) After you're finished with the scrubbing, run back over the carpet and make one more quick dry pass over the worst areas.
7) Speed up the drying process by running HVAC, ceiling fans, and blowers.
8) If the carpet is still behaving like a pig, do some post-bonneting to pull out some additional soil.
These steps will enable you to do a decent job of resuscitating a pooped out (or pooped on) CGD carpet. If you'll follow these steps to the letter, taking your sweet ol' time you can bring some NASTY carpets back to life. You won't be able to clean a NASTY carpet at the speeds you mentioned above, instead you'll need to be down in the 1,000 sq ft range, maybe even slightly slower. Rome wasn't built in a day, and this carpet wasn't destroyed in a day either, so you're not gonna be able to perform a miracle and resurrect it in a few minutes. But if you'll SLOWLY follow the steps above, you should be able to nurse a stinker like this back to an acceptable appearance level.
I hope this info helps ya. Don't forget to mutter under your breath while you're cleaning... "we care as much about your business as you do"
Rick Gelinas