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Cimex Price Increase On the Way

October 31 2005 at 8:57 PM

Rick Gelinas  

The importers of the Cimex machines have told us there's going to be a price adjustment on the machines (I'm hoping it's a small adjustment) coming early in December. The Dollar is continuing to take a beating against the English Pound.

I haven't been told what the new pricing will be yet. I know they've been trying very hard to hold the prices down as much as possible.

I remain optimistic As machine prices go, the Cimex has always been a good deal when you compare it with prices on other pieces of quality machinery. For example: the RX20 sells for $3300, a Chemstractor sells for $3150, a Steamin Demon sells for $3000, a Rotary Drimaster sells for $3000, and so on. As one looks around the industry it's clear that the Mighty Mex packs a sizable bang for the buck. And I expect that will continue.

So if you're considering a new Cimex purchase, you may want to take advantage of the current low pricing. The present special pricing of $2570 for the carpet cleaning package will remain unchanged at least till the end of November.

I also want to mention that we have a demo model, 19" Cimex with pad drivers, with less than 10 hours on it. It can be purchased for $2150 (including free shipping to a commercial address) - call the office if you're interested 1-800-330-1888.

Sorry about the news on the prices. I suppose it's inevitable.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Cimex Price Increase On the Way

November 1 2005, 7:58 AM 

the Mighty Mex is still the best bang for the buck I ever got in buying several thousand dollars of equipment over the years.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex Price Increase On the Way

November 2 2005, 6:21 AM 

Follow Up:
The demo machine I mentioned was sold yesterday morning.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Cimex Price Increase On the Way
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS