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Opinions Please

November 3 2005 at 11:54 AM

Hope everyone is well!

I would like to know if anyone owns or has owned a Jani-King franchise or any experience you have or had with this company.

Pros-Cons etc.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Opinions Please

November 3 2005, 5:02 PM 

I have a friend who bought one of their franchises back in the 80's. He kept it for a few years and then unloaded it. He honestly wasn't the most gifted business man, so it's probably not fair to blame his dismal experience entirely on Jani-King, however as I recall, it seemed that he was tied to a lead balloon. They never came through with decent accounts for him, yet they enjoyed skimming the profits from his existing accounts that he brought to the table. I'm kinda thinkin that Tad Services may be able to do better operating on its own.

Rick Gelinas

Kevin Jones

Re: Opinions Please

November 3 2005, 6:08 PM 

I don't know personally anyone who owns a Jani-King. However, when we started out, we were big in commercial cleaning accounts. We took several accounts from Jani-King in my area. I found that most of the people they subbed out to were just warm bodies that could be somewhere. I was not impressed with the work of the subs nor the ability of anyone to respond when a client had a complaint.


Opinons please

November 3 2005, 7:39 PM 

Don't do it. I almost bought a franchise a couple of years
ago. I was lucky I had met up with a guy who had been cleaning carpets for over 25 yrs. He talked some sense into me. It would have been a huge mistake. Buying a franchise is not IMP your own business. They tell you where
your territory is, they tell you what chemicals you are to buy, because your are buying there product. Then there is a yearly payment to them to use there name. I would never recommend buying one. I am so glad I didn't. I now have my own company, my own territory, I buy the chems I want. Do yourself a big favor and look into doing it on you own. You'll be much happier. If you want to talk to me about it feel free



Rick Gelinas

Re: Opinons please

November 4 2005, 8:26 AM 

Not all franchises are the same. Some franchises do very well. For example, Stanley Steamer, ServiceMaster, ServPro, PCS (Professional Cleaning Systems), are generally solid performers in most instances. Then there are others that become more like a contractor/sub-contractor relationship. If you feel that a franchise is the best way to go, you might want to look closely at all of the offerings in the market. I'd suggest doing some solid research first into factual franchise performance before you get too serious in your negotiations with any of them.

Rick Gelinas

Pete Hagar

Here Is a thread initiated from a Janiking Owner from the CFC Board

November 4 2005, 10:07 AM 

Franchise Sucks
Posted By Steve Ferguson on 9/20/2005 at 7:37 PM
i've owned a jani king franchise for the last 3 yr's and as of yet i have still not made any real my quesion is to anyone that can help me. what is the best way for me to go out and get some floor care work ?? i own a low speed, burnisher and auto scruber. i allso have alot of floor care experience. please can someone help me out.

Re: Franchise Sucks
Posted By bDON DON on 9/20/2005 at 8:04 PM
Steve: first get a business license, insurance, and create business cards with your company name. then start "marketing in person" to doctor's, dentists, lawyers etc offices. tried post construction cleaning (the final cleaning).
business growth is usually thru word of mouth. in what city are you in? the rate or sq. ft you charge matters from one city, state to another. join your local chamber of commerce (they are good business leads.) and last, i am not scolling you (we all make mistakes) but if you had check'd on a couple of boards before siginng up with Jani-King you would have noticed quite a few "years of experienced pro's" advising how Jani-King has ripped off hard working individuals.
Good Luck...complete your profile and some of the guys may chime in later.

Re: Franchise Sucks
Posted By Jeff Kessler on 9/20/2005 at 11:32 PM
steve call me on my cell phone ill tell you how to do it and to get rid of the jani king franchise without being sued ,,,, i once made the mistake of purchasing a franchise and i got over it

Re: Franchise Sucks
Posted By steve jackson on 9/21/2005 at 1:06 PM
I also "owned" (and i use that term loosely) a jani king franchise for 4 years, i actually made money i just killed myself. The fees piled up and couldnt see making it long term.

JK has excellent sales/marketing, just use thier process as a base for putting togher proposals and marketing material. You have two choices, get on the phone and keep calling businesses or go meet in person handing out business cards and brochures.

DO NOT ACCEPT ANY BIG BOX RETAIL, period for no reason, no excuses, its the same money as a JK. NO Management companies, go and sell your own customers. also call jeff or peter hagar both post here daily and know how to do it.

Re: Franchise Sucks
Posted By Peter Hagar on 9/22/2005 at 9:43 AM
I can't tell you how to get away from the franchise as I no zip about franchising. I can give you ideas on how to market your services. Feel free to call and chat some time if you'd like.


Posted By Tom TR on 9/28/2005 at 5:43 AM
an update? I am curious to hear what your plan is now. Funny how many people start just like you. Considering you already have some of the equipment, your alot closer to where you want to be than you might think. Janiking/MMMs etc are like having a really experienced business partner that can get you all the work you want but will rob you blind in the process. Doing it on your own takes alot more initiative but it is really really worth it.

Current Topic - Opinions Please
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