| White BerberNovember 4 2005 at 12:11 PM |
| I dont know if i spelled it right, Burbar? Berber? well its a white one with heavy soil, located in a day care...im not too sure if there is anything special i should be using on it, the lady usually has it steam cleaned and says he produces excellent results, but he is sick and she needs it done, and behold....found me in the yellow pages! Any ideas? |
| Author | Reply |
| Re: White Berber | November 4 2005, 4:19 PM |
i assume you have a Cimex or Challenger?
pre-vac THOROUGHLY as always. Cimex with Releasit Encap Clean. or OP clean with the Challenger and Releasit Punch.
Encap works wonderfully on berbers of any type.
if it is a wool berber, as always, never clean wool with any high pH products.
everything in the Releasit line should be fine for wool...please correct me if i am wrong Rick.
thanx --- Derek. |
| Ree-Lease-it | November 4 2005, 7:18 PM |
You on target Derek, but the first thing I would want to know is; what kind of "berber" is it. Wool, Nylon or olefin. If it is wool I would use Releasit and luke warm water, anything else I want the water hot as I can get it, with Releasit. I really like the last order I got with the new labels on it, seems to work a little better w/o the "Gag Factor" Way to go Rick, I knew you could do it. |
| Stephen Dobson
| Re: Ree-Lease-it | November 4 2005, 7:53 PM |
what tools do you have at your side.
makes for a better diagnosis.
Any two methods ALWAYS outcleans one.
Be prepared to pull another out if the first doesn't give you the results you are looking for.
Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services |
Patrick Matte
| Re: Ree-Lease-it | November 5 2005, 6:54 AM |
Has the daycare recently(I use the word recently loosely here)repaved the parking lot?Asphalt residue is and can be a challenge.Are there any entry/exit mats?I beleive you said a white berber?
Lets just say that you only have a standard rotory unit,you can still clean the dickens out of the carpet but it will take you longer and not be as good as if you're using a Cimex or a Challenger Op.We're also assuming that you're using Releasit products and this a synthetic fiber.
#1.After vacuuming of course,prespray with Releasit Punch(hot),then start using your unit to agitate/absorb-extract with a cotton pad-not bonnet.
#2.Change over to a Fiber plus pad,and go back over the area while triggering Releasit DS(hot) via solution tank.-Normal Encap procedure-
#3.Go back over area with dry cotton pad to remove even more soil.if you're so inclined.
This is just one variation to attack asphalt residue.Email me if you'd like and have fun!
Patrick |
| Berber | November 5 2005, 6:44 PM |
I am not sure which type of berber it is, i havent seen it yet, and im fairly certain the lady has no idea. I am using a Cimex, and i have mostly used the brush pads and these "red" pads that seem to be quite aggressive. I have ordered a couple of other kinds from ex.sply. and plan on trying those instead. Thanks for the suggestions guys! |
| Re: Berber | November 6 2005, 12:48 AM |
never tried red or any other pad besides FP pads. BUT, i have tried the soft brushes. they don't come close to comparing in cleaning results with the FP pads from my experiences...FP pads agitate, hence encap clean, wayyyy better.
thanx --- Derek. |
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