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Cimex'ed with Rick's Bonnets today...

November 6 2005 at 1:30 AM

i figured instead of using the FP pads, i'd try a job with the bonnets.

1st, i tried 1 pass thirty feet long with the FP pads, then next to it, another pass with the bonnets....couldn't see a difference. this was on light-medium soil.

so i took a chance and went with the bonnets for the entire job. it looked good, coffee / soda spills came right up as always. i will wait til monday to call back and see how it all turned out. i wouldn't plan on using the bonnets over the FP pads on medium-heavy soil, as they have seemingly hardly any agitation capabilites.

the only thing i noticed was that the carpet WAS wetter with those bonnets. i figure it is because less friction is created verses using the FP pads. however, it seemed i used LESS cleaning solution...that was strange.

also, there were a few high-spots under the carpet (attributed to bumps in the concrete sub-floor). these high-spots were REAL wet! i figure when the weight of the Cimex hit them, the bonnets were suqeezed down and the solution that was being held in it was pushed out.

otherwise, looked same as if i'd used FP pads. i won't be too surprised if when i call back, some of the spots reappear due to the carpet being wetter than with FP pads.

i'll let ya's know.

thanx --- Derek.


Stephen Dobson

Re: Cimex'ed with Rick's Bonnets today...

November 6 2005, 1:58 PM 

Are you talking cotton bonnets.. or the cimex ones?

I am assuming you are talking about the cotton OP types.. ????

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Rick's Bonnets

November 7 2005, 12:18 AM

they look NOTHING like the picture updated actual picture of them is needed.

thanx --- Derek.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Rick's Bonnets

November 13 2005, 7:55 AM 

We Cimex with these bonnets all the time. I have nothing to compare it to though, because the first time I ever bonnetted anything was with the Cimex. We use them a lot on oriental rugs. We will usually clean the rug first with either the Cimex, TM, or wash it and then we will bonnet with those cotton bonnets of Ricks. They work great.

Kevin Pearson

Current Topic - Cimex'ed with Rick's Bonnets today...
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