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Oreck orbitor

November 6 2005 at 8:28 AM

I just got a job for a large mill bld. that was converted to condos. There are over 300 stairs in this bld. that need to be cleaned. I have a drill and pad driver but I can't see doing all these stairs this way. Does anyone have a orbitor and are you doing stairs with it? How does it work?



Oreck Orbitor is ideal for stairs

November 6 2005, 10:39 AM 

I have an Orbitor and it is a great scrubber for stairs; especially on the round edge of the step. I mainly OP and use it with pads. It comes out much cleaner and drier than when I use to steam clean them.

This message has been edited by tyrese_101 on Nov 6, 2005 10:51 AM


Stephen Dobson

Re: Oreck Orbitor is ideal for stairs

November 6 2005, 1:56 PM 

Personally, I used mine for about 10 minutes.
I was very disappointed. No weight or agitation what so ever.
And nothing will beat a good HWE on steps.. they are abused.

I would much rather see you use your drill combo for agitation.
prespray and towell dry. Much better results.

But hey, to each their own.

Steve Dobson
Custom Cleaning Services


Too Slow...

November 6 2005, 5:53 PM 

The drill is way too slow for 300 steps. What I use mostly is Releasit and the GLS (Pilemaster is the same thing) with the handle removed, also remove the front brush guard, this allows you to get really close. Work from the top down. Plug in at the bottom of the steps. I won't post how fast this is (and does an excellent job) most won't believe me.

Clay Carson

Re: Too Slow...

November 10 2005, 9:56 AM 

I never thought about taking off the handle of the GLS.

'Course, till this week I couldn't, since my previous setup had the online sprayer so the handle had the electrical connection to it. Now I believe I'll try this.


Also, for what it's worth. A Makita variable speed grinder/polisher with a Fiber Plus pad is what we use when the very corners and edges need work, since the GLS can't actually reach right inside a corner. Grinder/polisher is perfect for risers when you hasta do them as well, which the GLS obviously can't do. It's my 'Stair Cimex'

It is slower than a GLS, but can do a better job on trashed stairs. It will probbly throw some slurry of dirty water on the walls, though, if you wet the stair too much. Keep damp cloths nearby to wipe off before they stain the walls.

So...use the GLS where and when you can, for speed. Hit spots you can't get with the grinder. You won't love stairs, but you may not hate them as much.

Tom Workman

Use a Host machine

November 7 2005, 9:51 AM 

Try using a Host machine for stairs. Spray on DS and then take the handle of the Host machine and yopu have an agressive stair scrubber. Works fast. About 10-20 seconds per stair. I've also used a 10" Osilating buffer on stairs and still use it if there is a lot of greasy dirt to pad off.

Tom Workman
Floor Cleaning Experts


Jay Schonts

Re: Great for stairs

November 17 2005, 11:55 PM 

I glued a velcro disc on the bottom of mine and use a fiberplus pad. Works great

This message has been edited by Jay_Schonts on Nov 17, 2005 11:56 PM

Dave McCoy

Host for stairs

December 6 2005, 7:59 PM 

Hi Tom, I am new to the release-it concept, three truck mounts in my shop. Meet Rick in Vegas and tried his sample. Ran the chemical threw a NSS 20" scrubber with a brush and solution tank.(WOW) was I impressed. I do some apartment buildings here in Michigan and tried release-it with an electric sprayer and the Host machine on the stairs with great results.(White and black zebra brushes) Can't find my black brushes from years past. Do you use the black brushes on yours? I ordered a small host machine today that Host only leases to carpet stores to rent to residents. $125.00 per year. Friend owns carpet store and he rents them, he ordered one through his store so they dont bug me about ordering host compound. It only comes with a beige brushes, good for residentals. Thought I would pass that along to you.

Take care
Dave McCoy

Current Topic - Oreck orbitor
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS