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microfiber pads

November 6 2005 at 3:20 PM
Bo Newman 

I've been thinking of buying some microfiber pads for my Cimex. Has anyone used them? What were the results?
Since there are none the right size that are made specifically for carpets I wonder if the car polishing ones will hold up or just rip apart.


Re: microfiber pads

November 6 2005, 5:57 PM 

I think they are fine for dusting and car polishing, but the ones I have tested have no place in my "arsnal" Actually the green stipe pads Paul Lucas from ChemMax sells do a superior job IMHO

Bo Newman

Re: microfiber pads

November 7 2005, 1:19 AM 

I wanted to use the microfiber essentially for absorbing moisture from carpet. I have read that they hold seven times the amount of moisture that cotton can hold. I would not use them for scrubbing.
Rambo - have you used them on the Cimex for this purpose?


Re: microfiber pads

November 7 2005, 7:41 AM 

No, I never used them on the Cimex. John Guerkink posted on the other board that they don't work well because the absorb too fast and sling the soil ladened water back onto the carpet.

Davo Flores

Re: microfiber pads

November 7 2005, 8:59 AM 

I think he was talking about the orbital machines slinging the water. I may have misunderstood.

We have used the Tuway Thin One and green stripe bonnets for a couple of years. Love them on the Cimex.

We use a microfiber bonnet on a 17" rotary. They hold loads of moisture and seem to have a scrubbing/polishing quality that we really like when run slightly to the dry side.


Current Topic - microfiber pads
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