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Virtual-Encap VIDEO

November 10 2005 at 3:28 PM

Rick Gelinas 

While we were at Connections we worked together with ICS Magazine to produce a video that explains the encap process. Here are two versions of the material that their crew produced for us. Take a peek

The first video shows common encap machines and how they are used along with a basic description of Releasit detergents. This is the full version. The "Releasit System" video shows the Releasit system and the most common equipment used for encapsulation cleaning.

Releasit System

The second version is intended for instructors to be able to download and use in their classroom PowerPoint presentations. I've had MANY requests for this. The instructors version "Encap 101" has been edited to show a simple overview of the encap process.

Encap 101

It's just too bad we couldn't find a better looking guy to do the talking.

Rick Gelinas

Tom Workman

Next time just ask!

November 10 2005, 5:15 PM 


Next time you need good looking talent for your video, just ask!


Tom Workman
Floor Cleaning Experts


Rick Gelinas

Re: Next time just ask!

November 10 2005, 5:28 PM 

I couldn't have asked you do it Tom.

Your rugged good looks would have overshadowed the message.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 10, 2005 8:43 PM


Kevin Pearson

Re: Next time just ask!

November 10 2005, 10:26 PM 


Very neat video. Thanks.

Kevin Pearson

Jerry DiFiglio

Re: Next time just ask!

November 11 2005, 2:07 AM 

Great job Rick! Very well done.

George Mavridis

Re: Next time just ask!

November 11 2005, 5:55 AM 

Very nice Rick. Would we be able to show this to clients possibly, so they may understand the process better?

I downloaded both videos. Couldn't notice any differance between the two though, they seem to me to be one and the same video!!


This message has been edited by georgemavridis on Nov 11, 2005 5:55 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Next time just ask!

November 11 2005, 8:14 AM 

George, the Releasit video includes a brief description of the Releasit detergents. The Encap Video leaves out the discussion about Encap-Clean and Encap-Punch, making it more suitable for instructors.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 11, 2005 8:15 AM

Joe M

Hi Rick

November 11 2005, 5:26 PM 

You really need to hire a paid actor.

Just being funny.

Joe M.


Patrick Matte

Re: Hi Rick

November 11 2005, 6:34 PM 

Actually...,Rick came across very calm,paced and well spoken.Some promo videis I have watched the "spokesperson" is way too nervous,speaks way to fast,ect...BTW Rick,the production quality is great!
Good job,Patrick

Joe M

I was only being funny

November 11 2005, 8:54 PM 

He was like an old pro.

Current Topic - Virtual-Encap VIDEO
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS