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Demo video on mini cd rom

November 11 2005 at 2:10 AM

Hi Rick, I received a business card from a distributor of steam machines.

This card is different in that it is a very small mini cd rom.

It is roughly the same size as a business card, except for the rounded ends.

It has two long flat sides, and two rounded ends.

The top side is printed as a normal business card, while the other is a functional cd rom to be played in a notebook, etc;

Would it be possible to get a generic cd made up demonstrating what the Cimex does, and how good it does it, similar to the above??

These could be on-sold to Cimex users, with their name and details on, to hand out as business cards to prospective clients.

If you like, I can post one of these over to you.

By getting you to do it, I know the quality would be there, along with correct procedures, etc; also making bulk amounts would lower the cost for the end users, along with getting the Cimex / Releasit combination out there in the market place more than what it already is.

Just a thought, otherwise I may have to look at doing something myself along these lines.



George Mavridis

Re: Demo video on mini cd rom

November 11 2005, 5:58 AM 

I had one of these a while back (in another industry though)
They are a great idea as the client can view the disc at any time and as many times as they need.
This could possibly be given out at the quotation stage to set yourself apart from other cleaners.

The video that Rick has done with ICS could be edited and used for this.



Demo Video

November 11 2005, 6:21 AM 

I don't know guys, I want to inform the customers as much as I can but I do not want to tell them too much. For instance I do not want to show them how easy this is. I only tell them (customers) how great it cleans and how the crystalization works. I do not tell them what products I use. Just a thought



Humbly disagree Ralph

November 11 2005, 6:59 AM 

Guess it comes back to Horses for Courses mate.

For a commercial property that wants their carpet cleaned, and wants the best possible result with the knowledge that you are using the best products available, I would gladly give them that information.

Building managers are in the business of looking after the property, not going into competition with carpet cleaners.

Why would they want to put money into equipment and solutions, that they will not use regularly, nor have the staff trained in the use of such equipment.

It makes sense for them to outsource the work to professionals that are properly set up, and have the knowledge and equipment to satisfy any problems at a moments notice.

They do not always have staff sitting idly by, (trained in the use of the equipment, and also the solutions to be used), waiting for that emergency carpet job to be done, nor can they fully justify a person on wages, just for carpet cleaning.

Fair enough, if it is a large corperation that has contract cleaners doing the bulk of the janitorial work, then they would not be given access to this cd rom.

Discussion such as this is good, it allows both sides of a story to be told, and also gives insight to what others may be thinking, I encourage it.

Thank you for showing me another side.



David Hebert

Re: Humbly disagree Ralph

November 11 2005, 1:40 PM 

There are several instance I can see not giving out too much info to clients.
This is where you need to be alert to what the prospect is telling you and what you see around you when doing a demo of bid.

Yes there are places that will take your info and go out and buy what is needed. These people are looking for a better way to clean with their in house staff but have not found it and need to hire an outside source, when you come in and give them (The Magic Bullit) they are looking for well the end result is aparent.
For these people I offer to sell them what I know and the products they need.

The other side is many mid to large size companys need to show upper management they have a handle on what is going on, how they are going to solve the problem and how fast and efficently it will be solved will minimal disrutpion to the normal activities of the business. That Infomercial is just the ticket. It shows the desision makers you know what the problems they are having are and you have the cure. A CD put together with a Demo and a nice proposal packet with you company info in it could be a just what is needed to land some good accounts.


Humbly disagree

November 12 2005, 5:19 AM 

Point well taken men. There are people who we can show the cd and others beware.


Current Topic - Demo video on mini cd rom
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS