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Scenes From an Italian Restaurant

November 23 2005 at 2:41 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Here are some nice photos that were e-mailed to me from Kevin Pearson showing a greasy Italian Restaurant that he cleaned the other night. He used his Cimex, Releasit Encap-Clean DS, and FiberPlus Max pads. Kevin said he cleaned without pre-spraying and made 1 wet pass followed by 2 dry scrub passes with the Cimex. He said "it worked great". Nice work Kevin

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 23, 2005 2:41 PM


Re: Scenes From an Italian Restaurant

November 23 2005, 9:29 PM 

thanx for the pic's Kev

what is the sprayer for?

--- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Scenes From an Italian Restaurant

November 23 2005, 9:55 PM 


When Kevin e-mailed me he said that he was planning to pre-spray but his sprayer was giving him trouble so he wasn't able to. I'm guessing that's why the sprayer is in the photo. But we'll have to let Kevin answer that question to be sure.

Rick Gelinas


Kevin Pearson

Re: Scenes From an Italian Restaurant

November 23 2005, 11:25 PM 

The sprayer is in the picture because we had just set it by the door so that the next person going out could take it with them. In my hurry to load the van for the job I neglected to check the pump up sprayer to see that it really worked. Of course when I got to the restaurant it did not work. However, the Releasit worked well just going through my Cimex. We did one clean pass followed by two dry passes. I think without even trying I just picked up five more restaurants to do because of what we did on this one.

The funny thing was that on Saturday night they kicked a guy off the job because he had no truck mount. They called me on Sunday afternoon and I sold them on the Cimex even though they had just kicked this other guy off the job for no TM. I had my TM on the job Monday night just in case, but I only used it to fill my Cimex with hot water. We cleaned 1333 sf in 2 hours and used 23 gallons of mixed up Releasit. We could have been finished sooner but we had to wait at least thirty minutes for people to leave the restaurant.

Kevin Pearson

Bo Newman

Re: Scenes From an Italian Restaurant

November 24 2005, 12:38 AM 

23 gallons? for 1333sf?


Kevin Pearson

Re: Scenes From an Italian Restaurant

November 24 2005, 1:03 AM 

I told you I had to go slow.


Re: Scenes From an Italian Restaurant

November 24 2005, 8:19 PM 

wow. can't hardly believe a carpet would hold that much. How wet was it when done? did it wrinkle? curious



Kevin Pearson

Re: Scenes From an Italian Restaurant

November 25 2005, 7:19 AM 

It was dry and no problems when I returned the next morning to pick up my check.

Kevin Pearson

Current Topic - Scenes From an Italian Restaurant
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS