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"Where Does The Dirt Go?" -- SIMPLE

November 28 2005 at 2:37 PM

i used to feel like i needed to explain away my "New" process (Encap). most times, guess who brought it up? ME. why is that? i guess maybe it's because i was so excited about Encap that i wanted others to be excited as well. i ended up getting "stuck" in my explanations as others mentioned below.

"vacuums away in future vacuumings", doesn't make my clients EXCITED to use me...plain and simple.

so here's the SIMPLE answer. i tilt the Cimex head up and point to the pad. yep, it holds a lotta dirt! doubt it? run it under some water and see how much stuff comes out. i do NOT need to explain to them that the small percentage of soil left in the carpet is removed in subsequent vacuumings.

why NOT? because they don't care. my commercial clients want clean carpet and that is what they are getting.

and for those lurkers who are thinking to themselves, "the small percentage of soil left in the carpet" -- "Derek you gotta be kidding me you HACK!". remember, us VLM'ers PREVAC which removes what, 70-80% is it?? yep that's the MAJORITY of the soil, leaving only a small percentage that's left for us to work on.

yep, SIMPLE need to start running at the mouth about where the dirt goes. we KNOW their carpet's will be left cleaner than they've probably ever experienced before with other CC'ers...well at least i do

thanx --- Derek.

David Van Briggle

Are We Scrubbing With Grit?

November 28 2005, 5:32 PM 

The pads filling up with grit is one area that concerns me. Frequently, I find grit in the bottom of the buckets I place used pads in. We vacuum with Versamatics or Conquests. Is that grit in the pads abrading the carpet? I can't see any sign of wear but what would show up in a lab? I used brushes for years and this wasn't as much of a concern. Pads do clean better and they don't always collect a lot of soil. But when they do, are we scubbing with grit?

This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Nov 28, 2005 5:33 PM



November 29 2005, 12:20 AM 

i don't see how because the soil that i see on a FP pad is NOT on the surface of the pad. FP pads have hundreds of channels that the soil (and heavier pieces like "grit") goes into...haven't had a scientific study tell me that, just makes sense to me. when i see that heavier soil in the bucket or sink after rinsing it, it fell out of those channels.

that is my experience. anyone else have different experiences?

thanx --- Derek.

EDIT** : that heavier soil (for me at least) does not always come out of the FP pad too easily. i'll whack the pad on the side of a bucket / sink and a goodly amount of heavier soil / grit falls out. this again tells me that that stuff isn't on the surface where it'd have constant / direct contact with the fibers / tuft bundles.

sure some of it does but most i feel does not for but a brief moment. the weight of the Mex pushes the pads down and that heavier stuff goes up deeper into the pads.

just an educated guess....but what do you want, i'm only a highschool grad hehehe

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Nov 29, 2005 12:26 AM

Current Topic - "Where Does The Dirt Go?" -- SIMPLE
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