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Belt slippage on old cimex

November 29 2005 at 6:17 PM


Has anyone ever had the problem of the belt slipping on their older cimex? I have a 15" cimex that may be over 10 yrs. old...Ordered a belt months ago (rubber belt, the original one was leather) worked pretty good in the beginning, but now it slips WAY too easy, it slips every 5 -10 seconds, and the torque is so low that I sometimes have to use the brushes instead of the pad drivers with the beige fiberplus pads. There must of been some design changes over the years because the new belt was WAY too easy to put on. Has anyone had this problem and successfully fixed it?




Rick Gelinas

Re: Belt slippage on old cimex

November 29 2005, 6:42 PM 

Hey Joe,

Try This...


Belt Dressing extends the life of drive belts by improving traction and allowing runs under reduced belt tension. Prevents belt slippage on flat, round and V-belts. Extends belt life.

LPS Product Page

Rick Gelinas


Re: Belt slippage on old cimex

November 29 2005, 8:25 PM 

Hey thanks Rick, looks like they have some good lubs there.


Re: Belt slippage on old cimex

November 30 2005, 12:33 AM 

sounds like your pulleys may be worn, Then the belt sits lower in the pulleys: the diameter smaller, the belts looser and slips. or its bottoming out in the pulleys and is not getting good contact with the sides where the traction should be. As soon as it slips a while, its glazed and gets worse.




Re: Belt slippage on old cimex

November 30 2005, 12:54 AM 

Thanks rick, I will try it. When I spoke to cimex usa a while back, they told me the drive pulley in the newer machines is steel, whereas my pulley is some kind of composite material(probably for better contact with the original leather belt). That could be the problem. How can i order one to see if it might solve the problem?

Thanks -



Rick Gelinas

Re: Belt slippage on old cimex

November 30 2005, 7:49 AM 

Joe, contact LPS throgh the website link to see where you can purchase the LPS Belt Dressing.

Hope it works for ya bud!

Take care.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Belt slippage on old cimex
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