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Any Ideas????

November 30 2005 at 4:52 PM

I am getting all the strange requests lately. I love a good challenge so here goes. I just got a call from a Karate studio which I use to clean there carpets. They
layed over the carpets a foam rubber floor. You know the type... LIke a jigsaw puzzle. I just got a call from the owner who wants this foam rubber floor cleaned once a month. I said I'll see you tomorrow and give you a demo.

Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to clean this
floor.. ANY IDEAS. I thought I would use my spinner and my truckmount. But If there are any other ideas I have an open ear.



Re: Any Ideas????

November 30 2005, 4:55 PM 

Spinner should work - just watch water getting down below mats. I used to do a rubber floor in a gym with my Cimex and it cleaned up nice. If you can get in after hours and alone do some tests.



November 30 2005, 7:25 PM 

I have seen a few posting about cleaning this type of floor on the ICS board maybe you should try there also.


Bob Interesting!

November 30 2005, 7:29 PM 

Interesting did you use soft brushes when you used the Cimex and what type of detergent. Releasit would form crystals and show on top wouldn't it. Could you briefly explain the process you used. This would certainly give me a couple of more "target accounts"!Thks


Re: Bob Interesting!

December 1 2005, 12:10 AM 

i would use my Challenger but wouldn't use the typical thin-type cotton pads used for CC'ing. i'd throw either a Tuway ThinOne or a thicker cotton-loop bonnet on it and OP it. i'd put down a light pre-spray of something like Procyon that won't leave a soil-attracting residue, then clean with moist pad/bonnets. the agitation of the Challenger would clean it up nice i'd guess. i'd be nervous of using HWE due to the water getting down underneath and sitting on the floor as mentioned above...don't want to buy a wood floor

thanx --- Derek.

EDIT : i see Rick sells the ThinOne's now, smart move Rick! these seem to be gaining alotta popularity in the OP'ing world. i've used your 8" version with the Cimex and they work swell and actually hold soil. these are the ones i'd use with my Challenger :

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Dec 1, 2005 12:43 AM


Re: Bob Interesting!

December 1 2005, 7:34 AM 

It was an indoor sprinting track - I used brushes and Releasit. It cleaned up great and I could not see any crystals. This was a quarterly carpet account and they asked me to do the track. I have not done it in a few years as I lost it to a low ball jani co. Given a chance I will try the Cimx on anything! OP would have also been a good choice but it was pretty big.

Current Topic - Any Ideas????
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS