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Italian Restaurant ... new account

December 1 2005 at 10:54 AM

Kevin Pearson  

Last week Rick posted some pictures of an Italian restaurant we cleaned with our Cimex. I took a lot of heat in my email from guys because I used way too much chemical to get the place clean. However, the place was still dry the next morning and they called back yesterday to give us the account every three months and give us four more restaurants.

We do not clean any other restaurants and were not looking to get this account. However, they called us because we have a truck mount. They had kicked out a guy the night before because they did not have a truck mount. Then I went in the next day and talked to the same manager that had just kicked out the other guy and sold him on using the Cimex/Releasit combo. I did have my truck mount on the job just in case the customer did not like the cimex cleaning.

I just wanted to share story with ya'll to let you know you can sell encapping to anybody even those that think they want HWE.

Kevin Pearson


Re: Italian Restaurant ... new account

December 1 2005, 8:56 PM 

Good post Kevin. I found out a long time ago, they want clean carpet, quick drying and no damage,and they really don't care about your equipment. I remember the last Italian restaurant I did with my truckmount. I had a 120 gallon fresh water tank and it took two of them to clean that sucker.

David Hebert

Re: Italian Restaurant ... new account

December 1 2005, 10:26 PM 

While the amount of cleaning solution is more then the norm for encaping

It is still lower then many TM or HWE people would leave in the carpeting
if one takes the amount of cleaning solution you used and divide it by the SQ ft it is nothing really, then add the heat generated by the friction and it gets even lower.

In most cases I would HWE a resturant that was a first timer but that is my hang up. IF the jobs come out looking good, the client is happy and you made a good profit for the night that is what matters.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Italian Restaurant ... new account

December 1 2005, 11:19 PM 

This job probably required more juice because of the heavy oil load in the carpet. Foaming detergents will foam less when they're exposed to extremely oily conditions. Plus with the heavier food grease in this restaurant carpet, additional detergent may have been needed to break down the cooking oils. So although Kevin used more detergent than would normally be required for encap cleaning, he's also a sharp guy, and I'm sure he was paying attention to what he was doing. And at the end of the day, as long as his customer is impressed, and apparently they are, that's what really matters.

BTW, my cleaning company has been cleaning a couple of restaurants every month for a few years now. Ever since we started cleaning with encap, we switched these restaurants over to the encap system. I actually wanted to see how far I could push encap without breaking it. And ever since we began with the Cimex/Releasit system they have never had a single HWE cleaning. And guess what? We've had ZERO complaints.

Now as you probably all know - as a rule I DON'T recommend encap for restaurants. That has always been my position. This is because if I were to recommend encap for restaurants, some bright fella would go into a Mexican joint where you can no longer see the carpet on account of thick caked on grease, and then whine that encap didn't cut it. Well the truth of the matter is that encap can take care of reasonably OILY restaurants, and it does it quite well. As we saw in the case with Kevin's Italian restaurant chain that he just picked up. Sounds like his good service produced a cheerleader for his company. Way to go Kev! Keep up the good work

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 1, 2005 11:23 PM


I agree Rick

December 2 2005, 6:41 AM 

Last week I cleaned a Fire safety company. I cleaned (encapped)all the offices and lobbies. When I did the
original estimate I knew it would be a tougher than normal job. All of the mechanics for this company walk
through the areas with grease all over their boots. There
were grease marks all over this carpet. Of course I told them I could take care of this.

I just took my time and mixed Encap at 6oz. per Gal. I had to make 4 paasses to get it cleaned. Once I finished
there was not one grease mark left. Then didn't know how I did it. The last guy HWE the carpet and they told me it looked terrible. So I guess my point is Encap does work on grease, But I wouldn't try it on a heavily greased resturant. Like the one Indian Resturant I tried to clean. I swear there was a 2 inch layer of grease on this carpet. They never called me back...What a surprise


Bob Johnson

Re: I agree Rick

December 2 2005, 8:57 PM 

It was funny to see this post last week, because 2 weeks ago I was in the same book as Kevin.

I did a party room and it took LOTS of juice. 6k of a room in a nylon flower pattern. I'm guessing we mixed up 60+ gallons of juice. I had it sloppin all over, and Rick said I was crazy..but it wouldn't work doing it normally.

It went really slow, and we couldn't do normal passes. I ran over it normal with a wet pass and 2 dry passes. It didn't look great..just ok. Better than the walk behind castex guy though. So I went over ALL of it again, made the machine do a sign of the cross sign over each flower and it made it POP out. I had about 8 hours into this job, and the customer was MORE than happy.

They asked me if they can do it again before X-Mas and see if it will POP out even more!!


Current Topic - Italian Restaurant ... new account
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS